
  • 网络superheated steam;superheated vapor
  1. 过热蒸气干燥与烟(梗)丝膨胀的讨论

    Discussion on Superheated Steam Drying and Cut Tobacco Expanding

  2. 智能流量计中过热蒸气的密度公式

    The Density Formula in Intelligent Flowmeter for Superheat Steam

  3. 热风温度对种子稻谷干燥速率与发芽率的影响高速过热蒸气快速干燥窑

    The Effect of Hot Air on Paddy Drying and Germinating Rate ; high-velocity superheated-steam kiln

  4. 详细介绍过热蒸气密度补偿方案及新的过热蒸气密度补偿式。

    The compensation scheme for the density of superheat steam and the new density compensation formula are introduced in detail .

  5. 制冷工质在蒸发器内吸取热量,温度升高变成过热蒸气,进入压缩机重复循环过程。

    Working in the evaporator refrigeration in heat , temperature from overheating steam into the compressor , become repeat process .

  6. 介绍了一种用于测量二次仪表中充满管道的过热蒸气流量和载热计算的人工神经网络。

    In the paper , a kind of artificial neural network models applied in measuring instrument for calculating measurand is suggested .

  7. 注过热蒸气井筒物性参数计算综合数学模型竹炭对铜(Ⅱ)吸附的热力学和动力学参数的研究

    A comprehensive wellbore steam flow model for superheat steam injection Study on the Kinetic and the Thermodynamic Parameters for Adsorption of Cu (ⅱ) by Bamboo-charcoal

  8. 热物性参数对超音速平板边界层稳定性影响研究注过热蒸气井筒物性参数计算综合数学模型

    The Effects of Thermophysical Parameters of Air on the Stability of Two-dimensional Supersonic Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate A comprehensive wellbore steam flow model for superheat steam injection

  9. 提出在原有过热蒸气密度计算公式的基础上,增加一项与压力、温度有关的多项式,大大提高了对过热蒸气密度的计算精度。

    Based on the existing density calculation formula of superheat steam , a polynomial related to the pressure and temperaturre is added . Thus the accuracy of density calculation for superheat steam has been enhanced significantly .

  10. 除少数的强氧化剂外,它能用于密封热水、过热蒸气、热传递流体、氨溶液、碳氢化合物、低温液体等介质。

    Besides the minority of strong oxidizer outside , it can be used to seal hot water , overheating steam , heat transfer fluid , ammonia solution , hydrocarbons , low temperature liquids , and other media .

  11. 并列举了评价软件对重大蒸气云爆炸、液化气和过热液体扩展蒸气爆炸事故的评价实例。

    Two evaluation cases of vapor cloud explosion and boiling liquid expanding vapor cloud explosion have been provided .