
  1. 协会受邀为电视剧设计一门语言——多斯拉克语(Dothraki)。

    The group was invited to devise a language - Dothraki - for the show .

  2. 多斯拉克语里没有谢谢

    There is no word for thank you in Dothraki .

  3. 乔拉爵士我不知道怎样用多斯拉克语说谢谢

    Ser Jorah I don 't know how to say thank you in Dothraki .

  4. 伊丽用多斯拉克语重复了一遍。

    Irri repeated her words in Dothraki .

  5. 与他之前设计的语言不同,多斯拉克语已经具备了一些基本成分。

    Unlike previous languages he had worked on , Dothraki had some basics already in place .

  6. 他将自己写下的每一句多斯拉克语台词都录了下来,以便演员学习发音。

    He records every line that he writes in Dothraki so that actors can learn how to pronounce the words .

  7. 例如,在多斯拉克语中,有7个单词可以形容使剑的动作,比如,“hlizifikh”指偏离目标但相当有力的一击,“kolverikh”形容笔直的一刺。

    There are , for example , seven different words in Dothraki for striking with a sword . These include : " hlizi fi kh , " a wild but powerful strike ; and " kolverikh , " a straight sword thrust .

  8. 他说,演员们学得不错,但剪辑好的最终成品常常让他感到非常无奈(他说,错误都出在剪辑师和导演那里,他们听不懂多斯拉克语,往往把本应该剪掉的片段留下。)

    Actors do a pretty good job , he says , although when he sees the final product he often cringes ( mistakes are made , he says , by editors and directors who do not have an ear for his language and might choose a clip best left on the cutting floor ) .