
  1. 身为起点中文网创始人之一的林庭锋在新浪微博中称百度的反盗版运动“是一场胜利。”

    Lin Tingfeng , one of the founders of qidian.com , called Baidu 's campaign " a victory " on Sina Weibo .

  2. 早在2011年,百度就因侵犯了起点中文网五部小说的版权,而被判向后者赔偿55万元(折合84000美元)。

    In 2011 , Baidu was found guilty of copyright infringement in a lawsuit filed by literary website qidian.com and was ordered to pay the plaintiff about 550000 yuan ( $ 84000 ) for infringing copyrights for five novels .