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cháng tíng
  • Long Pavilion;formally rest pavilion on highway;road-side pavilion
长亭 [cháng tíng]
  • [road-side pavilion] 古时在城外路旁每隔十里设立的亭子,供行人休息或饯别亲友

  • 寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇。--宋. 柳永《雨霖铃》

长亭[cháng tíng]
  1. 他们两个在长亭送别,依依不舍。

    They parted at the pavilion , hating to leave each other .

  2. 因为现在长城上有电话亭。他们两个在长亭送别,依依不舍。

    Because there are telephone booths there . They parted at the pavilion , hating to leave each other .

  3. 《西厢记》为元杂剧文采派的代表作,长亭送别又是该剧的精典一折。

    Xixiangji is the masterpiece of literary grace of drama of Yuan Dynasty and Bidding A Friend Farewell is a representative part .