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  • Cheng Qian;【人名】Qian Cheng
  1. 对固定非挤压时间进行了研究,在此基础上设计了55MN油压双动短行程前上料铝挤压机。

    The dead cycle time has been researched . Based on above research , a 55 MN oil-driven extrusion press with double-action has been designed .

  2. 他在快要跑完全程前已精疲力竭。

    He runs out of steam shortly before the end of the race .

  3. 孕34~37周产程前剖宫产:重度新生儿呼吸窘迫的危险因素有哪些?

    Caesarean before labour between 34 and 37 weeks : What are the risk factors of severe neonatal respiratory distress ?

  4. 重点分析了短行程前上料挤压设备的优点,介绍了短行程前上料挤压工艺的关键技术;

    The advantages of front loading compact extrusion press have been analysed emphatically . The key technology of front loading compact extrusion press has been introduced .

  5. 短流程前处理染色加工工艺是对传统退浆、精炼、漂白、染色四步工艺合理缩减成三步、二步甚至一步法对纺织品进行加工工艺的总称。

    Short pre-treatment process is reasonable reduce the traditional desizing , scouring , bleaching , dyeing four-steps processing into three steps , two-steps or even one-step processing to produce textiles .