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huī xié
  • humor;humorous;jocular;funny;comedy
诙谐 [huī xié]
  • [funny;humorous] 谈话富于风趣

  • 其言专商鞍、 韩非之语也,指意放荡,颇复诙谐。--《汉书.东方朔传》

诙谐[huī xié]
  1. 麦克J。福克斯:我以为现实上师范学校类小我私家简历范文最可怕的人就是没有诙谐感的人。

    MJF : I think the scariest person in the world is the person with no sense of humor .

  2. 显然,“askhole”一词的诙谐之处就在于它和另外一个英文单词很接近,只不过它用“k”替换了那个词中的“s”。

    Obviously the intended humor surrounding this word derives from its close similarity to another English word in which the " k " in " askhole " is replaced by an " s. "

  3. 他的声音里流露着友好诙谐的语调。

    There was a friendly , bantering tone in his voice .

  4. 她以少有的一丝诙谐微笑了。

    She smiled with a rare flash of humour .

  5. 这首歌的风格轻松愉快、诙谐风趣。

    The song was written in a light-hearted jocular way .

  6. 布鲁诺还无法理解他弟弟诙谐的举止。

    Bruno has not got his younger brother 's jokey manner

  7. 这本书诙谐幽默,妙语趣话随处可见。

    The book is witty and peppered with good one-liners .

  8. 宴会常常会因为一些非常诙谐的讲话而气氛活跃,热闹非凡。

    The dinner was often a riotous affair enlivened by superbly witty speeches .

  9. 他机智诙谐,具有敏锐的商业头脑。

    He was witty , amusing and gifted with a sharp business brain .

  10. 他幽默诙谐,处世机敏。

    He was full of jocularity and savoir-faire .

  11. 很多诙谐的成分都在翻译中丢失了。

    Much of the wit is lost in translation

  12. 他继续用一种直白而又诙谐生动的笔触描绘着约克郡的生活。

    He has continued to write with a bluff , vivid humour about Yorkshire life .

  13. 他天性是个爱开玩笑的人,说话诙谐,很有幽默感。

    He is , by nature , a joker , a witty man with a sense of fun .

  14. 丹尼尔大夫是一位天生诙谐而反应机敏的人。

    Dr. Daniel was a gleg man of a jocose nature .

  15. 有一些学生诙谐地议论他们老师的帽子

    Some of the students commented humorously on their teacher 's cap .

  16. 他们不过是跟我们开个非常诙谐的玩笑罢了。

    They have just been pulling our legs very wittily .

  17. 他的小品诙谐,逗乐,发人深省。

    His comic dialogues are jocose and jocular , thought-provoking .

  18. 卡尔先生的优美文字,充满同情,诙谐和博智,淡化了任何淫秽的意味

    Any sense of prurience is relieved by Mr Kahr 's prose , which is sympathetic , witty and erudite .

  19. 60%的面试官们称,面试者“诙谐有趣”式的交谈方式或闲聊式交谈方式对面试官们的决定有影响作用。

    Employers also say an interviewee ’ s quality of ‘ banter ’ or small talk ( 60 per cent ) influences their decision .

  20. 这种幽默被视为面临无望境地时表现出的诙谐,多产生于极端压力、痛苦或生命遇到威胁的情境,多数情况下死亡就近在眼前或者不可避免。

    Gallows humor has been described as a witticism2 in the face of – and in response to – a hopeless situation . It arises from stressful , traumatic , or life-threatening situations , often in circumstances such that death is perceived as impending3 and unavoidable .

  21. 我感觉自己像是加入了黑客帝国(theMatrix),某位广告创意人员诙谐地说。他这里指的是那部深受许多程序员喜爱的电影。

    I feel like I am joining the Matrix , one of the creatives quips , referring to the films beloved of many programmers .

  22. 完整的故事模式,诙谐的对话,如RPG般的游戏体验。

    Complete story mode , witty dialogue , such as the RPG-like gaming experience .

  23. 我们认为花在写一篇锋利、诙谐的博客散文上的时间,用在Flickr,Facebook或者Twitter.上表达自己更有效。

    The time it takes to craft sharp , witty blog prose is better spent expressing yourself on Flickr , Facebook , or Twitter .

  24. 他演奏肖邦的两首诙谐曲和柴科夫斯基《四季》(TheSeasons)套曲中的两首曲目时,首尾部分的琴声被无限放大后简直震耳欲聋,灵性全无。

    With megaton amplification , the loud playing in the outer sections of two Chopin scherzos and in two pieces from Tchaikovsky 's " The Seasons " was deafening and soul-deadening .

  25. Sid通过幽默诙谐的方式告诉小孩子,他们可以“做”自己的科学新发现。

    Sid uses humor to show young children that they can " do " their own science and make new discoveries every day .

  26. 他谈到了“黛米摩尔法则”&他个人对人们常常提到的因特尔(Intel)创始人戈登关于微处理器幂次发展速度法则的诙谐引申。

    He refers to " Demi Moore 's law ," a personal , jocular extension of Intel founder Gordon E.Moore 's oft-cited law on the exponential pace of microprocessor development .

  27. 在《别了,我的至爱》中,穆斯·马洛伊诙谐地对他的前女友维尔玛说:“你好,宝贝儿。Longtimenosee.”奥格登•纳什1949年在《纽约客》上发表了诗歌《LongTimeNoSee,再见》。

    In Farewell , My Lovely , Moose Malloy drolly tells his ex-girlfriend Velma , " Hiya , babe . Long time no see . " And in 1949 , the poet Ogden Nash published his poem " Long Time No See , Bye Now " in The New Yorker .

  28. MSAgent提供的动画人物不仅有诙谐的动作,还可以通过声卡和麦克风跟用户进行对话,使用MSAgent开发的代理软件与用户之间的交互更接近人与人之间的交流。

    The Agent Characters provided by MS Agent not only have some amusing actions , but also can communicate with users through sound card and microphone , the interaction between the agent software developed with MS Agent and user is more closer to that of man to man .

  29. 阿美:它讲述了一个浪漫而诙谐的爱情故事。

    May : It tells a romantic and humorous love story .

  30. 扬雄对诙谐赋文化品位的提高

    The Cultural Rank of the Humorous Odes Lifted by Yang Xiong