
Chénɡ yí
  • philosopher;younger brother of Cheng Hao and forerunner of Zhu Xi
  1. 程颐一生绝大多数时间都拒绝做官,但是他继续批评当权人士。

    For most of his life he declined high office . Nonetheless , he continued to criticize those in power .

  2. 程颢和程颐对于性善的说明是不同的。

    According to Mencius , the human nature is good ; Cheng Hao and Cheng I explain it by different ways .

  3. 本文详细考察了二程(程颢与程颐)兄弟在气象上的差异及对二程思想异同认识的历史演变。

    This paper makes an extensive study of the views about similarities and differences between Cheng brothers 's thoughts in the history .

  4. 程颐支持许多研究方法:归纳、演绎、对历史和其它学科的研究、参加人们的事务等。

    Cheng Yi espoused many methods of investigation-induction , deduction , the study of history and other disciplines , and participotion in human affairs .

  5. 王弼和程颐这两位思想家在中国易学史和哲学史上都占有重要的地位。

    Wang Bi and Cheng Yi are the two thinkers who both play an important role in the history of Chinese Philosophy and I Ching Learning .

  6. 程颐诗中表现出的披坚执锐的气势与程颢诗歌从容和平的风格迥然不同,而这种诗风的分野根源于二人在精神气质和学术性格上的差异。

    The sharp momentum in Chengyi s poetry is different from the peacefulness in that of Chenghao , which is caused by their spirits and learning styles .

  7. 程颐则已解决了此一问题,其性即理将性与理直接贯通,其学术的中心在于如何处理理与气的关系。

    In CHENG Yi 's philosophy , this problem had been solved and his focus had thus been on the proper treatment of the relationship between reason and character .

  8. 程颐的“万物皆只是一个天理”在中国,就跟西方笛卡尔的“我思故我在”一样著名。

    Cheng Yi 's statement , " Principle is one but its manifestations are many , " is as well known in China as Descartes ' " I think , therefore I am " is in the West .

  9. 基于心性本体论的思想,程颐认为,人应该通过后天的修养工夫来消除秉气而来的才的影响,特别是去除人的贪欲,才能使天理在人身上完全显现出来。

    Based on the philosophy of ontology of mind and human nature , Cheng Yi thinks that in order to show the principle in a human body , he must get rid of the influence from inner talent by method .

  10. 其中,以张载、程颐、朱熹为代表的部分宋代儒者,他们要求的恢复古代肉刑的建议,被看作是以理杀人的典型,并遭到了尤为深刻的驳斥。

    Some Confucians of Song Dynasty , like Zhang Zai , Cheng Yi , Zhu Xi , they required to abolish corporal punishment . But the demand was regarded as a typical case of killing people with idealist and criticized sharply .

  11. 程颐首先提出性即理的观点,将人性提高到本体之地位上,也就将人性善的崇高价值取向提升第一位上。

    Firstly , Cheng Yi come up with the idea that human nature equals priciple , which raises human nature to the level of ontology , thus lifting the lofty value orientation of human nature being good up to the first position .

  12. 程颐去世10年后,朱熹(1130~1200)开始把程颐的思想发展成为后来被人们叫做“程朱理学”(以它最重要的两个倡导者命名)的学说;

    A decade after Cheng Yi 's death Chu Hsi ( 1130 ~ 1200 ) began to expand Cheng Yi 's ideas into what came to be called the Cheng-Chu ( after its two most important exponents ) Rationalist school of Chinese philosophy ;

  13. 着重分析了孟子、董仲舒、张载、程颢、程颐、王阳明等人的相关思想,阐明其究竟在面对什么样问题的背景下,提出了何种解决办法。

    Mencius focuses on China , Dong Zhongshu , Zhang Zai , Cheng Hao , Cheng Yi , Wang Yangming , and others related thinking in the face of what its stated what the background of the issue , put forward what solutions .

  14. 程颐秉持儒家内圣外王的崇高理想,在人生境界的追求上内则推崇内圣成德,外则树立外王理想,真诚热情的向往着圣贤境界。

    He approved of inner saint as virtue and set up the ideals of external king , in the realm of life in the pursuit of the respected Sagely into Germany , in the ideal set of Wang , a yearning for a sincere passion saints realm .

  15. 程颐的哲学最初被叫做“道学”,后来又被叫做“理学”。不像他哥哥,程颐强调发现理的方法是研究理蕴含于其中的万事万物。

    Unlike his brother , Cheng Hao whose philosophy was originally called Tao Hs ü eh ( School of True Way ) but came to be called Li Hs ü eh ( School of Universal Principles ) - emphasized that the way to discover li is to investigate the myriad things of the universe in which li is present .