
chénɡ xù yǔ yán
  • programming language
  1. 用C++计算机程序语言,在Visualc++。

    Using C + + programming language , Visual C + + .

  2. C++是在C的基础上延伸的一种目标向导程序语言。

    C + + is an object-oriented programming language that is an extension of C.

  3. 程序语言采用VISUALBASIC可视化编程语言,结构化设计方法编制程序。

    The program language is Visual Basic .

  4. DJS&130单用户BASIC是一个在我国广泛使用的程序语言。

    BASIC for a single user fixed on the DJS-130 computer is a kind of program language which is used widely in China .

  5. 它可以用来研究计算机程序语言的指称语义的Domain理论。

    One can also study Domain theory on denotational semantics of computer programming languages by using the topological system .

  6. 程序语言CAI课件中的例题管理系统设计

    Design of Examples Managing System in Program Language CAI Software

  7. MATLAB是集数学、图形处理和程序语言设计于一体的著名数学软件。

    MATLAB is a famous mathematical software and it can integrate math calculating , image processing and program designing .

  8. 最后,以改进的重置成本法为理论基础,运用面向对象的高级程序语言VISUALBASIC6.0设计开发了一套旧机动车鉴定估价信息系统。

    Finally , according to the improved Production Costs Method , designs an appraisal and assessment system of the used motor vehicles by Visual Basic 6.0 .

  9. 对于PalmOS操作系统,可以使用C++和C两种程序语言作为开发工具。

    For Palm OS operating system , we may use C + + and C procedure language to develope it .

  10. 恒利威的职员艾伦,和他的朋友、哈佛大学大二学生盖茨,马上开发出适合首台个人电脑“牵牛星”的程序语言BASIC。

    Allen , employed by Honeywell , and his friend , Gates , a sophomore at Harvard , immediately set out to adapt the first personal computer language for the Altair , called BASIC .

  11. 同其它语言相比较,MATLAB具有简单易用的程序语言、强大的科学计算及数据处理能力。

    Compared with other programming languages , MATLAB is a language used easily and has the powerful ability of scientific computing and data processing .

  12. 人工智能程序语言LISP和PROLOG的比较

    The comparison of the artificial intelligence programming languages LISP and Prolog

  13. 最后,在理论和实际研究的指导下,采用VISUALBASIC程序语言,编制了独立的绞吸挖泥船绞刀切削岩石受力计算软件,为今后进一步的研究和实际应用提供了便利。

    In the end , based on the theoretical and practical research , independent software were programmed using Visual Basic language , which would facilitate further study and practical application in future .

  14. 本论文利用MPI(messagepassinginterface)并行程序语言,开发了适用于DOE设计的并行计算方法。

    Using the Message Passing Interface ( MPI ) language , we have developed parallel computing methods for the design of DOE .

  15. 同时,采用VISUALBASIC程序语言编制并行接口控制程序,经自行设计的放大电路作用后驱动两位三通电磁阀,实现对气动微泵各气路间的切换的控制。

    And a Visual Basic parallel port control program was used to drive electromagnetical valves through an amplifying circuit . Thus , the switch of gas channels in pneumatic micropump can be controlled .

  16. 本文对面向VHDL的算法级行为描述的程序语言编译方法进行了深入的研究。

    In this thesis , the approach to compile programming language into VHDL behavioral description is studied .

  17. XML是一种通用数据表达法。在使用不同程序语言编写的程序和执行不同的机器指令之间,可以使用XML作为交换媒介。

    XML is a common data representation that can be used as the medium of exchange between programs that are written in different programming languages and execute different kinds of machine instructions .

  18. XML描述的抽取流程取代了传统的特定程序语言设计的Wrapper,抽取过程的执行由流程执行引擎完成。

    The wrapper programmed by a specified language is substituted by the extraction flow descried by XML , which is executed by the flow execution engine .

  19. 本书很好的说明了开发一个基于Java程序语言和J2EE平台的高质量企业IT系统的纲要。

    This book is the best compendium to date of proven techniques for developing high-quality enterprise IT systems that are based on the Java programming language and J2EE platform .

  20. 利用上述资料,采用VISUALFOXPRO6.0作为程序语言,采用面向对象的程序设计,设计出甘薯品种资源数据库管理系统,该系统功能模块化,易于维护,菜单设计便于操作,人机界面友好。

    Adopt Visual FoxPro 6.0 program language , with object oriented programming , devise the sweet potato germplasm database management system , this program function is modularization , menu easy to manage and operate , man-machine interface is friendly .

  21. 作为例子,简单地介绍了著名的并行程序语言,如ConcurrentPascal、Occam等。

    As examples , some popular parallel programming languages , such as Concurrent Pascal , Occam and so on are discussed simply .

  22. Java程序语言因其高效和安全性在不同的平台都得到了广泛应用,从服务端到移动电话平台,因此提供高效的Java优化编译器与运行系统有着重要的意义。

    As the Java programming language enjoys widespread popularity on different platforms ranging from servers to mobile phones due to its productivity and safety , it is very important to provide optimizing compilers and more efficient runtime systems .

  23. C语言是目前较为普遍的程序语言,它功能丰富、表达能力强、使用灵活方便、目标程序效率高,适合编制一般应用软件。用C语言编写与调试程序应注意math。

    C language is a kind of universal programming language at present , it has some advantages of multiple functions , richness expression capacity , flexible and convenient use , object program with higher efficiency , it adapts to general internet applications programming .

  24. 由此引入线程安全类的问题。此部分从程序语言、WIN32API、MFC三个层次上研究了线程安全类的实现。

    It discusses the issue from three arrangements of language , win32 API , and MFC .

  25. LISP语言:功能强大的计算机程序语言,设计来处理资料或符号的目录,而不是处理数值资料,广泛为人工智能应用程序采用。

    LISP : Powerful computer programming language designed for manipulating lists of data or symbols rather than processing numerical data , used extensively in artificial-intelligence applications .

  26. 在计算机上基本实现了由RADL算法语言到APLA程序语言的自动转换。

    Implement the automatic transformation from an algorithm described by RADL into an APLA program .

  27. 本文从理论上和机制上对人工智能程序语言LISP与PROLOG进行了剖析和比较。

    This paper gives some features in common and some differences of the two artificial intelligence programming languages LISP and PROLOG by the theory and by the mechanization .

  28. 本文通过手动收集文献中人类相关miRNA信息,利用Perl程序语言和Excel软件对所收集的数据进行整理,在MySQL数据库平台的基础上建立人类相关miRNA信息数据库&miCenter。

    Use Perl programming language and the Excel software to collate the data collected , and then build the human-related miRNA information database & miCenter based on the MySQL database platform .

  29. 本课题充分运用了LISP程序语言的计算与绘图功能,和DCL程序语言的对话框功能。

    This topic has fully utilized the calculation and drawing of the LISP program language , and the dialog function of the DCL program language .

  30. 本文采用AutoCAD及其二次开发VBA软件并结合VB程序语言编写出了一个操作简单又实用的程序,具有误差范围较小费用较省的特点。

    A program is compiled in which the software AutoCAD and its second exploitation VBA are used combined with the VB language . The method for stat blasting fragment has little error and low expense characters .