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shī lǜ
  • versification;strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme for poetry;poetic rules and forms
诗律 [shī lǜ]
  • [poetic rules and forms] 诗的格式和韵律

诗律[shī lǜ]
  1. 在继承传统诗律中提高新诗艺术质量

    To Improve Artistic Quality of New Poetry in Inheriting Traditional Metrical Poetry

  2. 同时,他也重视诗律。

    Simultaneously , he also attached importance to versification .

  3. 这黑话,不管你同意不同意,是有它的语法和诗律的。

    Slang , whether the public admit the fact or not has its syntax and its poetry .

  4. 中世纪抒情牧歌一种仅以两个或三个声部的简单和声组成的没有伴奏的,以严格诗律形式谱成的音乐作品,在13世纪末期和14世纪早期在意大利发展起来。

    An unaccompanied vocal composition for two or three voices in simple harmony , following a strict poetic form , developed in Italy in the late13th and early14th centuries .

  5. 现代白话诗在探索发掘新诗的魅力、建与白话相适应的新诗律体系方面进行了有益的探索。

    The modern free verse written in the vernacular made useful exploration is developing new poems ? charm , structuring new verse regulation which is adapted to free verse written is the vernacular .

  6. 从音韵学、诗律学的角度,研究拜伦诗歌对英语语言的继承和发展方面几乎无人涉足;

    ( ii ) almost no scholars have endeavored to study , from the angle of phonology and the tone and rhythm of poetry , Byron 's contribution to the heritage and development of the English language ;

  7. 而如今人王力的《汉语诗律学》这样,讨论语法、词汇、修辞、结构等,有助于一般读者的理解,却又没进入审美领域。

    This person Wang Li " in Chinese versification " Today , to discuss the " grammar "," word "," rhetoric " and " structure ", contribute to the understanding of the general reader , but did not enter the aesthetic field .