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  • 网络Family driver
  1. 在养育子女的问题上,中国父亲说他们扮演的最重要的角色是家庭司机。

    When it comes to parenting , Chinese fathers say the most important role they play is that of the family chauffeur .

  2. 此举同样以失败告终,因为美国人未能注意到,尽管后座在西方的地位较低(一般坐的是儿童),但在印度的地位却较高(因为富裕家庭都有司机)。

    That also flopped since the Americans had failed to notice that while the rear seat is low-status in the west ( since that is where kids sit ) it is high status in India ( since wealthy families have chauffeurs ) .

  3. 据报道,连那些囊中羞涩的大学生、家庭主妇和出租车司机,也都一窝蜂扎入股市之中。上证综合指数今年以来已经上涨超过40%。

    Penniless college students , housewives , and taxi drivers are reportedly flocking to deal in a Shanghai market that is up more then 40 per cent so far this year .