
  • 网络The Economy;British economy;uk economy
  1. MINI的出口给英国经济带来了强劲的推动力,同时也成了英国的骄傲。

    MINI exports have been a major boost to the economy and a source of pride for the country .

  2. 尽管实施了异常宽松的货币政策,但英国经济仍然停滞不前。

    Despite exceptional monetary ease , the economy is stagnant .

  3. 几十年来,这家公司一直是英国经济的晴雨表。

    For decades the company was the bellwether of the British economy

  4. 短期内迅速治愈英国经济顽症的灵丹妙药并不存在。

    There is no easy short-term solution to Britain 's chronic economic malaise

  5. 要使英国经济重新回到正轨可能需要一段时间。

    It may take some time to get the British economy back on track

  6. 人们所期望的英国经济复苏并没有来到。

    The hoped-for economic recovery in Britain did not arrive

  7. 加入欧洲汇率机制并不是解决英国经济问题的万灵丹。

    Membership of the ERM is not a panacea for Britain 's economic problems

  8. 这些公司被认为是英国经济至关重要的组成部分。

    These firms are regarded as the engine room of the British economy .

  9. 由于人们对英国经济状况的担心与日俱增,英镑昨天受到重挫。

    Sterling took a battering yesterday as worries grew about the state of Britain 's economy .

  10. 这项调查显示英国经济正在复苏的想法是失实的。

    This survey gives the lie to the idea that Britain is moving towards economic recovery .

  11. 他说在英国经济与其他欧洲国家的经济实现更大的趋同性之前,英国不会重新加入欧洲汇率机制。

    He said that Britain would not rejoin the ERM ' until there is much greater symmetry between our economy and other European economies . '

  12. 不过,根据英国经济研究机构capitaleconomics的研究,在过去的14次衰退中,股市的最低市盈率平均为11倍。

    Still , in the past 14 recessions , the average trough valuation has been 11 times , according to capital economics .

  13. 第一季度gdp的急剧下降凸显出英国经济衰退的深度。

    The precipitous decline in GDP in the first quarter highlights the depth of the recession in the UK has been suffering .

  14. 随着英国经济增长放缓,英国中产阶级感受到的阴郁让他们获得了一个新标签:应付阶级(copingclass)。

    As Britain 's economy slows , the gloom felt by its middle class has led to the acquisition of a new label : the coping class .

  15. 独立机构“预算责任办公室”(officeforbudgetresponsibility)预测,今年英国经济将略微收缩,未来4年增长率也将低于今年3月的预测。

    The independent office for budget responsibility predicted the UK economy would shrink slightly this year and grow less over the next four years than it had forecast in March .

  16. 但最终,退出ERM对英国经济来说是一个好消息。

    But ultimately , leaving the ERM was good news for the British economy .

  17. imf将其对英国经济今年的预测从增长0.2%大幅调降至收缩0.4%。

    The IMF slashed its forecast for the UK economy this year from growth of 0.2 per cent to a contraction of 0.4 per cent .

  18. 一些评论人士把美国和英国经济的“金融化”以及信贷危机问题归咎于mba精英。

    Some commentators have blamed the MBA elite for the " financialisation " of the US and UK economies and the troubles of the credit crunch .

  19. 这里有一个支持做出政策反思的有力理由,它是由国际货币基金组织(imf)在其上周发布的英国经济报告中明确提出的。

    So there is a strong case for a policy rethink , one that was well set out by the International Monetary Fund in its report on the UK economy last week .

  20. Accenture公司在去年发布的调查报告中预测,截至2035年,人工智能对英国经济作出的贡献将高达6540亿英镑。

    A report by Accenture released last year estimated that AI could contribute up to 654bn pound to the UK economy by 2035 .

  21. 与英国经济增长方面的坏消息相呼应的,是欧洲央行(ecb)行长马里奥德拉吉(mariodraghi)发出的警告。

    The disappointing news on UK growth was echoed by the European Central Bank . Mario Draghi , its president , warned of " prevailing uncertainty " over the outlook .

  22. 各方下调了对英国经济的普遍预测,调降幅度大于其它七国集团(G7)成员国,包括美国。英国股市的表现也同样逊于其它G7成员国。

    Consensus forecasts for the UK have been lowered by more than anywhere else in the G7 , including the US , and the UK equity market has underperformed also .

  23. 当然,无论是我还是mpc,都不知道现阶段英国经济潜在增长的力度,也不知道在不催生通胀的前提下经济能以多快的速度增长。

    Of course , neither I nor the MPC know the strength of underlying growth in the economy at the moment , nor do we know how fast the economy could grow without generating inflation .

  24. 职工大会秘书长布伦丹•巴伯(BrendanBarber)表示:移民工人正在为英国经济做出巨大的贡献,如果他们一夜之间突然离去,一些行业将会崩溃。

    Brendan Barber , general secretary , said : Migrant workers are making a substantial contribution to Britain 's economy , and some sectors would collapse if they were removed overnight .

  25. 数据编制机构Markit的经济学家罗布道布森(RobDobson)表示,上述数据会使人放心,进入最后一个季度后,制造业依将是英国经济增长的一个动力。

    The figures will provide reassurance that manufacturing remained a driver of UK economic growth at the start of the final quarter , said Rob Dobson , economist at Markit , which produces the data .

  26. 本届会议由英国经济与社会研究理事会(ESRC)和英国国际发展部(DFID)资助,并由相关合作研究机构协办。

    The conference is sponsored by the Economic Social and Research Council ( ESRC ) and UK Department for International Development ( DFID ) and supported by research partner institutions .

  27. 她是爱丁堡大学Innogen中心(英国经济与社会研究理事会基因组学创新的社会与经济研究中心)的科学顾问。

    She is scientific adviser to the Innogen Centre ( ESRC Centre for Social and Economic Research on Innovation in Genomics ) at Edinburgh University .

  28. 房地产服务咨询公司世邦魏理仕(CBRE)的一项研究显示,受英国经济复苏以及重获活力的金融服务公司对办公空间的需求驱动,伦敦西区高端写字楼的价格水平在过去一年中上涨了近15%。

    The cost of high-end office space in the West End has risen nearly 15 per cent over the past year , driven by the UK economic recovery and demand from resurgent financial services companies , according to the study by real estate services group CBRE .

  29. 金融是英国经济的基石之一。

    Finance is one of the bedrocks of the British economy .

  30. 公众对英国经济不景气的日益增长的忧虑。

    The growing public concern over britain 's poor economic performance .