
yīnɡ xiónɡ ér nǚ
  • heroic sons and daughters
  1. 我们祖国的英雄儿女,将要学习你的榜样,像你一样的伟大坚强!

    Of our country 's heroes and heroines Will be to learn your example , Like you a great firm !

  2. 曾参加过抗美援朝战争的老兵们共聚长春万达国际影城,一同观看《英雄儿女》,缅怀那段峥嵘岁月。

    Once joined Korean War 's veterans copolymerization Changchun ten thousand to reach the international cinema city , watches " Heroic Children " together , cherishes the memory of that eventful years .

  3. 我想这是我们所能做的微不足道的事来纪念这些华支的英雄儿女,是他们不顾受伤和牺牲,顶着战斗的危险保卫菲律宾的。

    This , I believe , is the least we can do to pay tribute to the gallant men and women of Wha Chi who , at the risk of life and limb , braved the perils of combat to defend the Philippines .

  4. 论文分析小说中所谓英雄至性与儿女真情之间关系的真正内涵,以确定其主旨所在,进而认识和澄清《儿女英雄传》研究中长期存在并争议较大的一些问题。

    The author analyses the real connotation of so called the true quality of a hero and genuine love between man and woman in order to identify the gist of the novel and to understand and clarify some long-term existing and controversial problems .