
  • 网络louis xvi;Louis XVI of France
路易十六 [lù yì shí liù]
  • [Louis ⅩⅥ] (1754-1793) 法国国王,大革命时被处死刑

  1. 在一层灰尘和蜘蛛网底下,他发现了一座精美的法国路易十六时期的时钟。

    Under the coating of dust and cobwebs , he discovered a fine French Louis XVI clock .

  2. 路易十六20年来都居住于此

    Louis XVI had lived most of his 20 years here ,

  3. 不愿透露自己姓氏的法国某望族传人洛朗(Laurent)也喜欢与人为伴,他对外招租的是自家位于巴黎、始建于路易十六时期(LouisXVI)、面积达4300平方英尺的空置豪宅。

    Laurent also likes the company . A scion of a large French family - he won 't give his surname - he lets his sumptuous 4300 sq ft Louis XVI-period spare apartment in Paris .

  4. 路易十六缺乏支持他到达结局的决心

    Louis XVI lacked the willingness tosupporthim to the bitter end .

  5. 为给他的继承人未来的路易十六国王

    to give his new heir , the future Louis XVI ,

  6. 路易十六终于决定诉诸于武力

    Louis XVI decided finally that he would resort to force .

  7. 路易十六应该不知道要何去何从

    Louis XVI must not have known which way to turn ,

  8. 路易十六被查理一世的命运深深影响了

    Louis XVI was dominated by the life of Charles I ,

  9. 路易十六认为这是错的也立志要纠正

    Now , Louis XVI thought this was wrong andaimedto end it .

  10. 这一回啊,要是我们是带着路易十六出奔,那该多有劲。

    I wish WE 'D a had the handling of Louis XVI .

  11. 路易十六希望统治空前浩大

    Louis XVI wants to rule in a grand manner .

  12. 从奢华的巴洛克式到简朴典雅的路易十六式;

    From luxurious baroque to simple elegant LOUIS XVI .

  13. 似乎严重地影响了路易十六

    seems to have affected Louis XVI very badly .

  14. 路易十六最希望的就是对老对手发动攻击

    Louis XVI would like nothing more than to attack the old enemy .

  15. 因为可怜的路易十六就是无法

    cuz poor Louis XVI simply couldn 't ,

  16. 路易十六似乎也踏入了

    Louis XVI seems to enter into a period

  17. 新王路易十六

    A new king , Louis XVI ,

  18. 这路易十六的衣柜以前是放在我游戏房呢。

    Look ! It 's the Louie the XVI I used to have in my playroom .

  19. 他此刻正坐在一把仿制路易十六时期风格的椅子里,旁边是她的夫人。

    He was sitting in a spurious Louis XVI chair by the side of his wife .

  20. 其实路易十六当时尚有选择余地

    Louis XVI had a choice .

  21. 路易十六世有颗“王冠碧钻”。

    Louis XVI wore a fabulous stone , that was called the Blue Diamond of the Crown .

  22. 她被认为是向路易十六献谗言的坏人

    She was considered that ... the person who really was giving poor advice to Louis XVI ,

  23. 国王(路易十六)准备奋力挣扎,从外省调集了部队。

    The King ( Louis XVI ) prepared for a struggle and brought up troops from the provinces .

  24. 在那一年,15岁的奥地利帝国公主玛丽•安托瓦内特嫁给了法国国王路易十六。

    In that year , Marie Antoinette , a15-year-old Austrian Princess , married King Louis XVI of France .

  25. 假如他唱来唱往只有《卡玛尼奥拉》⑤一首歌,他当然只能推倒路易十六;

    As long as he has for refrain nothing but la Carmagnole , he only overthrows Louis XVI .

  26. 如果路易十六和玛丽安托瓦内特(法王路易十六的王后译注)成功逃亡,那么法国大革命将截然不同。

    The French Revolution would have taken a very different path had Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette managed to escape .

  27. 他眯着眼打量了一下环境,发现这是一间文艺复兴风格的豪华卧室,路易十六世的家具,装饰有手工壁面的墙面,还有一张宽大的四柱红木床。

    Squinting at his surroundings he saw a plush Renaissance bedroom with Louis XVI furniture , hand-frescoed walls , and a colossal mahogany four-poster bed .

  28. 噢,我情愿踏上我哥哥路易十六的断头台而不愿意这样丑态百出地被人赶下杜伊勒宫的楼梯。

    Oh , I would rather mount the scaffold of my brother , Louis XVI . , than thus descend the staircase at the Tuileries driven away by ridicule .

  29. 人们很难对债券销售人员抱有同样的想法,如同他们很难对路易十六宫廷里的宠臣持积极看法一样。

    It is difficult to think about bond salesmen in the same way , as it was difficult to feel positive about the hangers-on at the court of Louis XVI .

  30. 有关的论著多将研究重点置于那个世纪,特别是绝对君主制临近解体的路易十五和路易十六的朝代。

    Most works on this topic concentrate on the history of the century , especially the reigns of Louis XV Louis XVI , in which the absolute monarchy would soon disintegrate .