
  • Louis Vuitton;LVMH;LV
  1. 数据显示,虽然路易威登在中国的确仍是最受欢迎的奢侈品牌,但在一线城市,普拉达(Prada)正盖过其风头。

    Indeed , although LV remains the most popular luxury brand in China , Prada is eclipsing it in first tier cities , the data show .

  2. 《成都晚报》报道,路易威登、古奇、寇驰、普拉达等奢侈品在国内多家B2C网站上都有销售,且价格均比原品牌实体店便宜。

    Many Chinese online business-to-consumer retailers sell LV , Gucci , Coach and Prada products on their platforms and the online prices are lower than in traditional stores , the Chengdu Evening Post reported .

  3. 研究人员们说,新贵喜欢路易威登(LouisVuitton)标识。

    Parvenus love the Louis Vuitton logo , the researchers say .

  4. 如今,中国游客涌向对香榭丽舍大街的路易威登(LV)。

    Today , Chinese tourists flock to Louis Vuitton on the Champs Elys é es .

  5. 与古驰可转换双肩包一样,路易威登的MichaelNM双肩包(售价2030英镑/3600美元)也是非常畅销。

    Like the Gucci bag , Louis Vuitton 's Michael NM rucksack ( £ 2030 / $ 3600 ) drew a crowd .

  6. 香港路易威登(LouisVuitton)门店外排队的购物者数量没有以往那么多了。

    There aren 't as many shoppers lining up outside Louis Vuitton boutiques in Hong Kong .

  7. 这个变化对路易威登(LouisVuitton)和香奈儿(Chanel)这样的奢侈品牌来说格外强烈。

    This change has been particularly acute for luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton and Chanel .

  8. 纪梵希的档案是在乔治五世大道(AvenueGeorgeV)上的地下室,其他大多数品牌〔路易威登品牌〕都在巴黎郊外的温控仓库里。

    The Givenchy archives are in the basement of Avenue George V , and most other [ LVMH brands ] are outside Paris in temperature-controlled warehouses .

  9. 但那里的消费者不一定有钱购买Gucci或路易威登手袋。

    But these consumers do not necessarily have the money for a Gucci or Louis Vuitton handbag .

  10. 许多人的钱只够买一个Gucci钥匙链,或一只路易威登(LouisVuitton)钱包。

    Many have just enough money for entry-level goods like a Gucci key chain or Louis Vuitton purse .

  11. 消费者经历了贝恩咨询公司(BainCompany)所说的标识疲倦,因此古驰(Gucci)、普拉达(Prada)和路易威登等品牌的增长都放缓了。

    As consumers have experienced what Bain Company calls logo fatigue , growth for brands including Gucci , Prada and Vuitton has slowed .

  12. 购买公平贸易巧克力对巧克力市场的扭曲,不比购买一个路易威登(louisvuitton)手袋对手袋市场的扭曲作用大。

    Buying Fairtrade chocolate no more distorts the chocolate market than buying a Louis Vuitton handbag distorts the handbag Market .

  13. 只有最奢侈的品牌才能入驻,到了周末,你必须排队进入路易威登(LouisVuitton)门店。

    Only the most exclusive brands are allowed and at weekends you have to queue to get into Louis Vuitton .

  14. 戴尔芬去年被任命为路易威登的执行副总裁;之前她是迪奥(ChristianDior)的副总经理。

    Delphine was named executive vice president of Louis Vuitton last year ; previously she was deputy managing director at Christian Dior .

  15. 在为路易威登(LouisVuitton)所做的首个系列中,尼古拉斯·盖斯基埃(NicolasGhesquiere)把注押在了修身迷你裙上。

    In his debut at Louis Vuitton , Nicolas Ghesquiere bet the bank on slim minis .

  16. 消费者经历了贝恩咨询公司(Bain&Company)所说的“标识疲倦”,因此古驰(Gucci)、普拉达(Prada)和路易威登等品牌的增长都放缓了。

    As consumers have experienced what Bain & Company calls " logo fatigue , " growth for brands including Gucci , Prada and Vuitton has slowed .

  17. 确实,从路易威登(LouisVuitton)的MagicSquare单鞋到MiuMiu镶嵌水晶的漆皮便鞋,浅口鞋一直是春季的明星畅销款。

    Indeed , low-riding heels ─ from Louis Vuitton 's Magic Square pumps to Miu Miu 's squat , crystal-encrusted patent-leather numbers ─ have been star sellers for spring .

  18. 身穿金•琼斯(KimJones)设计的路易威登(LouisVuitton,路威铭轩旗下另一知名品牌)潮装亮相T型台的模特都是清一色的年轻小伙。

    At another LVMH house , Louis Vuitton , the models who wore the neat collection sent out by designer Kim Jones were all young lads .

  19. LVMH旗下的时尚品牌路易威登(LouisVuitton),将其在中国举办一项为期一周的汽车拉力赛的计划,推迟到了明年或2010年。

    Louis Vuitton , LVMH 's fashion brand , has postponed a week-long car rally in China until next year or 2010 .

  20. 路易威登(LouisVuitton)正在一个从未有西方品牌进驻的地点招徕消费者:中国国家博物馆。

    Louis Vuitton is making a pitch to consumers in a spot no Western brand has ventured before : the National Museum of China .

  21. 法国奢侈品零售商路易威登(LouisVuitton)在铜锣湾有两家门店,全香港的路易威登店比伦敦的还多。

    Louis Vuitton , the French luxury retailer , has two stores in Causeway Bay and more stores across all of Hong Kong than in London .

  22. iPhone的名气迎合了日本人对品牌的热衷,就像日本购物者曾追逐路易威登(LouisVuitton)的手袋和巴宝莉(Burberry)的围巾一样。

    The iPhone 's cachet taps Japan 's fervor for brand-name goods , similar to how Japanese shoppers once flocked to Louis Vuitton bags and Burberry scarves .

  23. 部分原因是由于它的宝蓝色真皮(路易威登把这种颜色誉为海王星(Neptune);此外还推出了它的黑色款)。

    Part of this was because of its bright blue leather ( the brand calls this colour Neptune ; it also comes in black ) .

  24. 香奈儿(Chanel)、古驰(Gucci)、路易威登(LouisVuitton)等品牌都曾将产品植入韩国电视剧,以提升其对于中国年轻消费者的吸引力。

    The likes of Chanel , Gucci and Louis Vuitton have used product placements on Korean TV dramas to broaden their appeal to young Chinese consumers .

  25. 也就是说,如果你是爱马仕(Hermes)或路易威登(LVMH),那么,在接下来的几个月,你的生意会比Burberry或Coach更兴隆。

    In other words , if you 're Hermes or LVMH , you 're going to do better in the coming months than Burberry or Coach .

  26. 路易威登(LVMH)最近表示过去一年在中国的销售业绩平平之后,股价应声下跌。

    LVMH MC.FR shares dropped recently after the company said China sales were ' flattish ' in the last year or so .

  27. 她毕业后曾在麦肯锡(McKinsey)短暂任职,后来28岁就被任命为路易威登的董事会成员,而且她也是董事会中的唯一一名女性。

    After a stint at McKinsey , she was also appointed to the board of directors at LVMH at age 28 , where she was the only woman .

  28. 经历了30年的经济改革之后,中国日益壮大的中产阶级发现,人生的意义并不完全在于工作以及购买路易威登(louisvuitton)手袋。

    After 30 years of economic reform in China , the growing middle class is discovering there is more to life than working and buying louis vuitton handbags .

  29. 古姿(gucci)和路易威登(louisvuitton)等品牌一直在全球范围内扩张,不仅利用了日本,还利用了目前中国、印度和俄罗斯的需求。

    Brands such as Gucci and Louis Vuitton have expanded globally , taking advantage of demand not only in Japan but now in China , India and Russia .

  30. 7月12日,法国奢侈品制造商路易威登(LVMH)相当炫耀地签署了承诺。

    Mo ë t Hennessy Louis Vuitton ( LVMH ) , a French luxury-goods maker , added itself rather ostentatiously on July 12th .