
  • 网络conservatism;Conservation;Conservative
  1. 保守主义和自由主义的区别在哪里?

    Wherein lies the difference between conservatism and liberalism ?

  2. 法西斯主义和保守主义这种令人不安的结合产生了一种新政权。

    The uneasy coupling of fascism and conservatism spawned a new kind of political regime

  3. 从几乎所有意义上说,他们都属于非常新潮的保守主义分子。

    They were very modern Tories in almost every sense

  4. 该作者没有将自由主义和保守主义相提并论。

    The author doesn 't equate liberalism and conservatism

  5. 他高声反对保守主义。

    He was a vociferous opponent of Conservatism

  6. 另一种可能是,保守主义时代没有屈从于它的对立面&自由主义,而是倒想了一种走第三条路线(thirdway)的综合体。

    Another possibility is that the conservative era yields not to its liberal antithesis , but to a Third Way synthesis .

  7. 尽管比尔•克林顿(billclinton)两度当选总统,但这种保守主义趋势还是延续了下来。

    The conservative trend continued despite Bill Clinton 's election and re-election .

  8. 尽管乔治布什(georgew.bush)与里根、金里奇同样右倾,但他却设法终结了保守主义时代。

    Though George W. Bush is as rightwing as Mr Reagan or Mr Gingrich , he has managed to terminate the conservative era .

  9. 保守主义电台主持人RushLimbaugh是今天晚些时候的主要发言人。sheriff['ʃ

    Conservative Radio host Rush Limbaugh is the keynote speaker later today .

  10. 例如,两位作者表示:“2000年,乔治•W•布什便是以一个富有同情心(热心)的保守主义者(强势)身份参加的总统竞选。”

    For instance , the authors note , " George W. Bush ran in 2000 as a compassionate ( warm ) conservative ( strong ) . "

  11. 选择保罗•瑞安(PaulRyan)做竞选搭档,就是选择了靠一个与自己截然相反的人为自己的竞选增加一些实质内容:瑞安有原则,是一个坚定的保守主义者。

    In choosing Paul Ryan , he opted to outsource the content of his campaign to his opposite : a principled , conservative ideas man .

  12. nsted酸性位相互作用。保守主义革命及其后果

    Nsted acid sites . The Conservative Revolution and its Influences

  13. 从否决CTBT看新保守主义对美国军控政策的影响

    The Influence of Neoconservatism on American Arms Control Policy : From the Rejection of CTBT

  14. DickArmey,一位前议会多数派领导人,指责他“感觉良好的保守主义”,与带来“情感上的满足”而非实际结果的政策。

    Dick Armey , a former House majority leader , accuses him of " feel-good conservatism ", with policies that provide " emotional gratification " rather than results .

  15. 约翰是个顽固的保守主义者,坚决反对堕胎。

    John is a diehard conservative and is completely against abortion .

  16. 文化保守主义者主张渐进的文化改造策略。

    The cultural conservatives agreed to the reforming of traditional culture .

  17. 作为一种反应,文化保守主义在中国兴起了。

    As a response , cultural conservatism has arisen in China .

  18. 传统与现代:保守主义的历史演变与特征

    Tradition and Modern Times : Historical Changes and Characteristics of Conservatism

  19. 当代美国新保守主义外交理念及其影响

    The Contemporary Diplomatic Idea of Neoconservatism in American and its Effect

  20. 梁启超晚年文化保守主义思想的贡献与价值

    The Contribution and Value of Aged Liang Qi-chao 's Cultural Conservatism

  21. 其四,基督教右翼与新保守主义建立了政治同盟。

    Fourthly , Christian right established a political alliance with neo-conservatives .

  22. 继之而起的是后来逐渐成为现代中国文化保守主义思潮之主流的新儒家。

    The contemporary Neo-Confucianism was the mainstream of Chinese culture conservatism .

  23. 保守主义视角下新基础教育课程改革之检讨

    Reflection of New Elementary Educational Curriculum Reform in Perspective of Conservatism

  24. 论五四文化保守主义

    On the May 4 ~ ( th ) Culture Conservatism

  25. 论保守主义的本质&以埃德蒙·柏克思想为中心的研究

    On the Nature of Conservatism & Focus on Edmond Berke 's Thoughts

  26. 论传统儒学的现代宿命&兼及新保守主义批判

    The Desting of Confucianism in Modern Society & An Comment to Neo-conservatism

  27. 首先是文化保守主义和文化自由之间的混淆。

    The first is the confusion between cultural conservatism and cultural freedom .

  28. 把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的。

    The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified .

  29. 析20世纪50至60年代美国保守主义的演变

    The Evolution of America 's Conservatism from 1950s to 1960s

  30. 现代还是古典&论新保守主义对现代性政治伦理的批判

    Modernity or Classicalism & On the neoconservative critique to modern political ethics