
  • 网络cultural assets;heritages;cultural heritage;cultural property
  1. 名人是一种无形的文化资产,是一个城市的历史文化品牌。

    Celebrity is an intangible cultural heritage , is a city of history and culture brand .

  2. 本文并以新庄乐生疗养院事件为探讨案例,进一步分析新版文资法对于台湾文化资产保存机制的缺失。

    The study analysis the weakness of the Taiwanese urban cultural heritage preservation system by the researching the movement to preserve of Xinzhuang Lo-Shan Sanitarium .

  3. 后文学产业链:无形文化资产的价值实现路径

    Post-literature industrial chain : realizing value of intangible cultural capital

  4. 重庆市国有文化资产管理体制探讨

    On State Cultural Property Management System of Chongqing

  5. 如何有效地管理国有文化资产,是一个全新的课题。

    How to effectively manage state cultural property is a new problem for all .

  6. 文化资产与历史环境维护永续经营的可持续发展新思维

    New Ideas of Preserving the Cultural Properties and Historic Heritages in a Sustainable Way

  7. 作为日本的文化资产,寿司的品牌价值提高了日本及日本料理的声望。

    The brand equity of sushi as Japanese cultural property adds to the cachet of the country and cuisine .

  8. 如此丰富的历史文化资产,如应用到旅游中,则可为旅游注入新的活力。

    If plenty of history and culture is applied into the tourism , new energy would be poured into tourism .

  9. 并提出了历史文化资产的重要性,呼吁市民保护历史建筑。

    And put forward the importance of historical and cultural assets , appeal to citizens to protect the historic buildings .

  10. 以便作为文化资产进行保存,在他们适应现代社会时对之进行潜在保护,

    so that they can be kept as cultural assets for those groups to potentially protect them as they adapt to modern society ,

  11. 因此,厘清传统工艺技术对于文化资产修复工作的重要性,实为本研究之课题。

    Therefore , the issue of this study is centered on how to define the importance of conventional technological craft in terms of restoration of cultural properties .

  12. 装饰美术不仅是一个民族或国家极为重要的古代文化资产,也是传统艺术思想与美学的深刻表现。它反映了各时期的当时人们的思想观念与审美意识。

    It is not only the heritage of the ancient culture of a nation , but also the profound manifestation of its traditional ideology and aesthetic consciousness .

  13. 发展中国家的有形与无形文化资产非常丰富,发展中国家人民的文化知识与传统技能也非常丰富。

    Developing countries have a vast wealth of cultural assets , both physical and intangible , and their population is rich in cultural knowledge and traditional skills .

  14. 体现在企业会计核算中,分别表现为技术资产、人力资产、文化资产、信息资产、土地使用权等等。

    Embodiment shows respectively in enterprise 's accounting , is technical asset , manpower asset , cultural asset and information asset , land use right and so on .

  15. 通过解剖典型的个案,概括出作为无形文化资产(遗产)的文学,从无形转为有形的物化形态,衍生为产业链,从而走向当代价值实现的三个重要前提条件;

    By means of case analysis , the paper sums up three premises for the transfer of literature as intangible cultural capital into tangible materials as an industrial chain .

  16. 这是目前关于国有文化资产结构调整和重组的最权威性的意见,也是文化工作和国有资产管理工作面临的新课题。

    This is the most authoritative views on the structural adjustment of state-owned culture assets . And it is also a new problem of cultural and state-owned assets management .

  17. 中央政府对于稀有资源及自然与文化资产之利用,应建立事前许可、管制及稽查制度,以有效保育自然资源。

    The central government shall establish pre-approval , management and control and auditing mechanisms for the use of rare resources and natural and cultural assets to effectively conserve natural resources .

  18. 最优秀的开发商已开始理解他们可以从投资公共领域获得的价值,但他们还需要学会看到其他文化资产的价值。

    The best developers are beginning to understand the value they get from investing in the public realm but they will need to learn to see the value of other cultural assets .

  19. 稳定而大量的缴存本,是现今巴德里图书馆丰富馆藏的主要来源,也使得英国的文化资产得以完整的保存传承。

    It demonstrates that the steady and large flow of deposit intake forms the major portion of the strong Bodleian collection , preserving of the precious national literature of the Great Britain .

  20. 与传统意义上保护、保养、陈列和展示人类文明重要文化资产的博物馆不同,创伤博物馆所展示的往往是国家民族的灾难与创伤记忆。

    Different from the traditional museums aiming at protecting , maintaining , displaying , and presenting important cultural assets of human civilization , what contained in a museum of trauma would always be the traumas suffered by a nation .

  21. 以此推动我国正在发展中的城市视觉导向系统设计的研究。在实践的基础上不断创新,使城市视觉导向设计系统成为城市的形象资源、文化资产。

    Impels our country by this to develop the urban vision guidance system design rule sexual knowledge deliberation . Innovates unceasingly in the practice foundation , causes the urban vision guidance design system to become urban the vivid resources , the cultural property .

  22. 锡伯族民族射箭运动产业则是要透过包装营销传统、风俗与文化资产发展出产业的形式,进而振兴察布查尔锡伯自治县经济,举办的体育文化节活动发展旅游产业。

    Sibo minzu archery industry is to develop a form of marketing through the packaging industry , traditions , customs and cultural assets , thus revitalizing the economy of Sibo County , sports and cultural festival organized by the development of the tourism industry .

  23. 古印加文化灵性资产丰富。

    The ancient Incan culture was rich in spirituality .

  24. 文化艺术品资产的证券化成为一个很重要的突破口。

    And culture art assets the securitization of become a very important breakthrough .

  25. 研究结果将为企业跨文化顾客资产管理提供一定的理论依据,为后续的深入研究奠定一定的基础。

    This achievement will provide theoretical basis for cross-culture customer equity management and it will lay a foundation for further study .

  26. 文化对顾客资产驱动要素的影响分析

    Analyzing Cultural Influence upon Customer Asset Driving Factor

  27. 恒兴盛企业文化的无形资产已转化为有形的发展空间。

    The intangible asset of Hengxingsheng enterprise culture has been converted to tangible developmental opportunities .

  28. 他们的出发点是资产阶级专制主义,在文化上就是资产阶级的文化专制主义。

    Their starting point is bourgeois despotism , which in culture becomes the cultural despotism of the bourgeoisie .

  29. 文化对顾客资产三个方面的驱动要素,即价值驱动要素、品牌驱动要素和关系驱动要素都存在一定影响。

    Culture also affects customer asset in three aspects , value driving factor , branch driving factor and relation driving factor .

  30. 非资本要素包括技术、品牌、市场资源、管理能力和企业文化等无形资产。

    These element mainly involve enterprises ' intangible assets eg. technology , brand , market resource , managerial skill and corporate culture , etc.