
  • 网络authorization for auction;commission auction
  1. 本文从一案例出发,剖析了法院委托拍卖的性质等同于一般民事委托行为。

    The article analyzes the quality of commission auction by using a case .

  2. 论委托拍卖合同的法律特性

    On the Legal trait of contract of auction by mandate

  3. 破产拍卖的主体,根据地位的不同可分为委托拍卖主体和受托拍卖主体。

    The main body of the auction can be divided into Clients and trustees , according to the different status .

  4. 外国人、外国企业和组织在中华人民共和国境内委托拍卖或者参加竞买的,适用本法。

    This law is applicable to foreigners , foreign enterprises and foreign organizations trusting auctions or participating in bidding within the territory of the people 's Republic of china .

  5. 除了一般拍卖应当坚持的公正、公平、公开原则外,强制拍卖还应当坚持拍卖优先、及时拍卖和委托拍卖原则。

    In addition to the principles of openness , fairness and impartiality , the principles of entrusting auction to auctioneer , auctioning timely and priority should also be adhered to .

  6. 在法院的主持下,管理人对这部分无主股权进行委托拍卖转让,通过无主股权的转让,以达到解决因无主股权而产生的公司僵局的情形,从而恢复有限责任公司的正常经营。

    Under the auspices of the court , the administrator of this part of the main equity commission the transfer of the auction , thereby restoring the normal operation of the limited liability company .

  7. 委托人、拍卖人的姓名或者名称、住所;

    The names of the seller and the auction house and their addresses ;

  8. 拍卖人对委托人交付拍卖的物品负有保管义务。

    An auctioneer has the obligation of taking care of articles submitted by the trustee for auction .

  9. 拍卖人有权要求委托人说明拍卖标的的来源和瑕疵。

    An auctioneers has the right to require clients to explain the source of the auction items and any defects .

  10. 拍卖人、委托人在拍卖前声明不能保证拍卖标的的真伪或者品质的,不承担瑕疵担保责任。

    Should an auctioneer and a trustee state before an auction that they cannot guarantee the genuineness or fakery or the quality of an auction target , they shall not bear the liability for guaranteeing the drawbacks .

  11. 未作约定的,可以向委托人收取为拍卖支出的合理费用。

    And in the absence of any agreement , the auctioneer may collect from the trustee rational charges as auction expenses .

  12. 委托人可以自行办理委托拍卖手续,也可以由其代理人代为办理委托拍卖手续。

    Trustees may independently handle trust auction procedures , and may also ask their agents to handle trust auction procedures for them .

  13. 拍卖人接受委托的,应当与委托人签订书面委托拍卖合同。

    Should the auctioneer accept a trust , he or she shall sign a written contract on trust auction with the trustee .