
jì mínɡ tí dān
  • Straight bill of lading;bearer bill of lading;disclosed BL
  1. (三)记名提单:无需背书,即可转让。票据的)不记名背书

    A bearer bill of lading is negotiable without endorsement . blank indorsement

  2. 在记名提单是否是“documentoftitle”这一问题上,笔者认为,记名提单尽管不具有流通性,但是是“documentoftitle”。

    The author believes that straight bill of lading is " Document of Title ", although it is nonnegotiable .

  3. 随后探讨了记名提单的法律属性。存股权证(DepositoryReceipts)对中国资本账户管理的作用

    Then the legal nature of straight bills of lading is discussed and different laws concerning it are compared . The Function of Depository Receipts in the Capital Account Management

  4. 出口商如何签发记名提单呢?

    How does an exporter create an order bill of lading ?

  5. 记名提单无单放货的解释论

    The Interpretive Position of Delivering Goods Without Original Straight Bill of Lading

  6. 记名提单若干法律问题研究

    Study on the legal problems of straight bill of lading

  7. 承运人需凭正本记名提单交付货物吗?

    Does carrier need to deliver goods by original straight bill of lading ?

  8. 提单与票据之比较研究浅析记名提单的性质及相关问题

    Comparative Study Between Bill of Lading and Instruments On Some Problems of Straight Bill of Lading

  9. 记名提单物权属性的理论研究与司法实践

    Records a name the bill of lading real right attribute fundamental research and the judicature practices

  10. 其次,记名提单与海运单的关系扑朔迷离。

    Secondly , the relationship between a straight bill of lading and a seaway bill is complicated .

  11. 第三,《鹿特丹规则》在记名提单货物交付方面做出了详细、系统的创新性规定。

    Thirdly , the Rotterdam Rules provides specific regulation about the delivery goods under a straight bill of lading .

  12. 请联络我们所提供的照会银行名单。承运人需凭正本记名提单交付货物吗?

    Please contact the references we have submitted . Does carrier need to deliver goods by original straight bill of lading ?

  13. 本文最后特别关注了记名提单在我国的现状。

    In the end of the article , the present state of straight bill of lading in China is discussed in particular .

  14. 首先,各国在记名提单与提单的关系上态度不一。

    Firstly , different countries hold different attitudes concerning the relationship between a straight bill of lading and a bill of lading .

  15. 近年来,记名提单在实践中的应用越来越多,逐渐受到国际社会的广泛关注。

    In recent years , straight bill of lading has applied more and more frequently in practice and has caught widespread attention of international community .

  16. 随着国际贸易与航运的发展,记名提单无单放货的现象越来越普遍。

    Along with the development of international trade and shipping , the delivery of goods without straight bill of lading has become more and more popular .

  17. 记名提单的原则与实践随后探讨了记名提单的法律属性。

    Straight bills of lading : principles and practice then the legal nature of straight bills of lading is discussed and different laws concerning it are compared .

  18. 有关记名提单是否要凭单交货在中国学术界一直存在争议,司法实践中法院基于不同观点作出不同判决。

    There are different opinions as to whether it is necessary for the carrier to deliver goods with original bill of lading , and different decisions have been made thereon .

  19. 第一章首先简要介绍了记名提单的概念以及各国对于记名提单的相关法律规定。

    In the first chapter , with a brief introduction of the definition of straight bill of lading , an important issue embodied in the different rules of law specified by different nations .

  20. 虽然记名提单不能像指示提单和空白提单那样自由转让,但是在航运实务中记名提单的使用也较多。

    The straight bill of lading is used a lot in the shipping practice , though it can 't be negotiated as an order bill of lading or a bearer bill of lading .

  21. 嗯!你可以看出直接提单上填的是进口商的名称,但是记名提单上的接货人,则填出口商或银行的名称。

    Well , you could see the name of the importer written on straight bills of lading , but order bills of lading carry the name of the exporter or a bank as the consignee .

  22. 本文首先简要介绍了记名提单无单放货行为的概念和各国的相关法律规定。随后探讨了记名提单的法律属性。

    Firstly , the concept of straight bills of lading is briefly introduced in the article ; then the legal nature of straight bills of lading is discussed and different laws concerning it are compared .

  23. 随着国际贸易的发展,记名提单在海运实务的普通货物运输中被大量使用,因而有关记名提单的争议和纠纷也日益增多。

    With the development of international trade , straight bill of lading has been frequently used in maritime transport , especially in general cargo transport . Correspondingly the disputes about straight bill of lading increase quickly .

  24. 我国海商法应该借鉴该公约,明确记名提单的概念认定依据以及法律属性;完善记名提单货物交付制度;规定货物控制权。

    Our legislation should specify the concept and identification standards of straight bill of lading , perfect the rules about delivery of goods under straight bill of lading and introduce the contents of right of control .

  25. 记名提单作为物权凭证,通过各项物权功能的发挥维系着海上货物运输合同关系的稳定并促成相关商业价值的实现。

    Records a name the bill of lading to take the real right certificate , is maintaining marine goods traffic congruent relationship stabilizing through each real right function display and facilitates the correlation commercial value the realization .

  26. 最后从司法实践角度,考察了世界主要航运国家基于肯定记名提单物权属性而在实践中坚持凭单放货原则的统一化趋势。

    But finally from the judicial practice angle , inspected the world main shipping country based on definitely to record a name the bill of lading real right attribute to persist in reality the certificate sold goods the principle unitizing tendency .

  27. 第四章运用国际私法中的准据法理论,并援引典型案例分别论述违约和侵权两种诉因下该如何解决记名提单的法律冲突问题。

    Chapter Four , by using the theory of applicable law in the field of international private law and two typical cases , expounds the settlement on the conflict of law in terms of two causes of action including breach of contract and act in tort , respectively .

  28. 这么说,货物的所有权即属于出口商,并依其记名签发提单而有所转移喽!(向权威人物,尤指当权者提的)请求,恳求

    Then the title to the goods is vested in the exporter to whose order the bill of lading is drawn . Request made to a person in authority , esp a ruler