
  • 网络current frequency;power frequency
  1. 仿真发现,在谐波电流频率范围宽、变化剧烈的情况下并联混合型APF输出电流能很好的跟踪指令电流,并且优于同条件下传统的PID控制效果。

    The simulation finds that , when harmonic current frequency range is wide and changing violently , output current of shunt hybrid APF could track direct signal well , and better than traditional PID control effect under same conditions .

  2. 随着驱动电流频率的增大。

    The displacement of GMI peaks with increasing of driving current frequency appears also .

  3. 具体分析了预处理矩形波交流电电流频率f、电流密度J、处理时间t、处理温度θ以及cAl3+/cH+值对比电容量C的影响。

    The influence on specific capacitance of current frequency , current density , pretreatment time , solution temperature and the ratio of cAl3 + / cH + is analyzed .

  4. 本文介绍的步进电机驱动电源从两个方面改善电机的电流频率(If)将性和矩频(Tf)特性。

    In this paper the author introduces a stepping motor actuating power source which improves the current-frequency ( I-f ) characteristic and torque-frequency ( T-f ) characteristic of the stepping motor from two aspects .

  5. 同时,该模型对于入地电流频率在几十kHz下仍可考察地网的运行情况。

    Meanwhile , this model , for entering grounding current frequency of dozens of kilohertz , can investigate the running situation of the grounding grid .

  6. 磁阻抗比△Z/Zs不仅与样品的磁特性有关,而且与交变电流频率f和外加直流磁场H有密切的关系。

    The MI ratio △ Z / Z_S is not only dependent on the magnetic properties of the sample , but also dependent on the applied magnetic field H and frepuency f of ac current .

  7. 在恒流信号电源部分控制系统的设计中采用了闭环PID直流反馈控制和引入了非线性环节,因此能在负载大范围波动的情况下保持注入电流频率恒定和幅值恒定,可靠性高。

    The signal source with a close loop DC feedback and a PID controller is able to keep a constant current output under different load conditions which enables the developed system suitable for a very wide range of grounding impendence .

  8. 分析了外界干扰的来源及特点,结合模拟试验和现场实测结果,研究讨论试验电流频率以及测量引线的布置方式对测试结果的Z,R和X的影响。

    This paper analyzes the routines and properties of interference , and discusses the influence of testing frequency and the layout of testing lead wire on data ( Z , R , X ) according to the data of simulation and field measurement .

  9. 本文以大量的试验结果表明了电流频率、钨极尺寸和保护气体成分等对小电流TIG焊电弧稳定性的影响规律。

    In this paper the law in the effects of current frequency , size of tungsten pole and composition of shielding gas on the arc stability in low-current TIG welding is revealed by a large number of experimental results .

  10. 实验结果表明GMI效应在磁场作用下呈现对称双峰行为,阻抗变化率与磁场灵敏度均与激励电流频率有密切关系,这为传感器的设计提供了依据。

    The experimental results show that the characteristic of the GMI effect are bimodality and magneto-impedance ratio & magnetic field sensitivity are closely interrelated with the frequency of driving current . These results provide a reasonable basis for design of geomagnetic field sensor .

  11. 脉冲电流频率对球墨铸铁基体组织转变的影响

    Influence of Pulse Current Frequency on Matrix Transformation of Ductile Iron

  12. 脉冲电流频率对电磁成形板料变形高度的影响

    Effect of Impulse Current Frequency on Sheet Metal Deformation Height in Electromagnetic Forming

  13. 电流频率是多少?

    What 's the frequency of the current ?

  14. 非洲爪蟾顶盖神经元的抑制性微突触后电流频率和振幅的电压依赖性

    Voltage-dependence of miniature inhibitory postsynaptic current frequency and amplitude in tectal neurons of Xenopus

  15. 这种脉动转矩的频率为基波电流频率的六倍。

    Frequency of this pulsating torque is six times as high as that of the fundamental current .

  16. 装置的电流频率达到超声波频率范围,最大为1.1MHz。

    The frequency of current reaches to the range of ultrasonic . The maximum is 1.1 MHz .

  17. 提高脉冲电流频率和峰值电流密度有利于获得颗粒细小、表面平整的纳米晶铜铸层;

    The deposits of copper with fine grain sizes and smooth surfaces could be got by increasing pulse current frequency and current density .

  18. 论文的主要内容和成果如下:研究了电力系统振荡过程中电流频率和电压频率的特征。

    The main contents and achievements are as shown below : The characteristics of current frequency and voltage frequency during power system oscillation are studied .

  19. 同时提高了纹波电流频率,降低幅值,抑制其对输出电压的影响。

    On the other hand , this strategy raise the frequency and reduce the amplitude of current ripple in order to restrain the fluctuation of output .

  20. 结果表明:该电源可获得电流频率、占空比、正负半波幅值均可独立调节的变极性波形,能够正常工作,该研究具有一定的实际应用价值。

    The power supply worked effectively , and the study on main circuit of the variable polarity inverter TIG welding supply has some degree applied values .

  21. 在电磁搅拌作用下,电磁力的大小随钢液液池宽度的增加呈指数衰减趋势,其衰减速率与电流频率和搅拌器极距有关。

    The electromagnetic force decays rapidly in the molten steel , and its decaying speed is related to the current frequency and polar pitch of the stirrer .

  22. 获得了自由层和钉扎层都具有任意各向异性的自旋阀结构中输出电压的表达式以及交流电流频率调节的铁磁共振谱。

    The analytical expression of the output dc voltage for arbitrary anisotropy in the free and pinned layers and the FMR spectra adjusted by ac frequency are derived .

  23. 指出在无磁介质存在的条件下,实际导体回路的自感系数也与电流频率有关。

    It is pointed out that the self-induction coefficient is relative to the current frequency in the actual conductor circuit , even if there is not any magnetic medium .

  24. 实验研究了激励电流频率、幅值大小对换能器动态性能的影响;实验验证了换能器谐振工作点自感知方法的可行性与正确性;探讨了声辐射器产生的声波对提高岩芯渗透率的作用效果。

    The effect of stimulation current frequency and amplitude on dynamic qualities of transducer was studied . The self-sensing method of resonance frequency was proved to be feasible and accurate .

  25. 第一次进展的取得,确定了这种能量流的化学活跃性,在非常高的电流频率之下,可以有相当大的提高。

    The first advance was made in ascertaining that the chemical activity of the discharge was very considerably increased by using currents of extremely high frequency or rate of vibration .

  26. 在分析实心同轴电缆芯线中电磁场的基础上,讨论电缆的自感系数以及它与电流频率的关系。

    The self-induction coefficient of the cable and the relation between self-induction and current frequency are discussed , on the basis of analysing the electro-magnetic field in the coaxial cable core .

  27. 根据仿真得出:复合板阻抗值随电流频率的改变呈线性变化规律,该结论为实现用铜-铝-铜三层复合板取代纯铜及纯铝母线排提供了理论和设计依据。

    From simulation results , the impedance variety is obtained . Theoretic and design bases are ( provided ) for the composite plate instead of pure copper or pure aluminum bus-bar .

  28. 触发真空开关的开断能力与主间隙间的暂态电压恢复特性、介质强度恢复过程、电流频率、以及触头材料和结构等因素有关。

    Breaking capacity of TVS depends on the characteristic of a rise rate of transient recovery voltage , dielectric insulation strength recovery processing , current frequency , electrode structures as well as electrode materials .

  29. 新的修正公式不仅能够解释文中的实验结果,也能满足以往文献提出的直流电动机转速与脉动电流频率之间的关系。

    The new modified formula not only meets with our experiment result , but also can explain the examples of relationship between the speed and the current ripple frequency of DC motors in the literature .

  30. 通过分析导体直径对导体交、直流损耗的影响,得出在电流频率和幅值一定时,导体总损耗随导体直径变化存在极小值的结论。

    Through the analysis of influence on AC and DC loss by conductor diameter , get conclusion that there is a minimum value of conductor total loss which changed with diameter in certain current frequency and amplitude .