
diàn zǐ jì suàn qì
  • electronic calculator
电子计算器 [diàn zǐ jì suàn qì]
  • [electronic calculator] 一种简单、小型的电子计算设备,一般用来进行算术运算

  1. 用电子计算器求算片剂溶出度溶出参数的运算程序

    The Calculation Procedure for Tablet Dissolubility and Dissolution Parameters by Electronic Calculator

  2. 多少年前三位德仪的科学家发明了手持电子计算器?

    How many years ago did3 scientists at Ti invent the handheld electronic calculator ?

  3. 本文主要进行了基于EDA技术的数字电子计算器的设计。

    This paper mainly based on the number of EDA technology to the design of electronic calculators .

  4. 能否给我电子计算器的最新报价?

    Could I have your latest quotation for electronic calculators ?

  5. 袖珍电子计算器的销售量增加很快。

    The sale of hand-held electronic calculators has increased at a significant rate .

  6. 听起来很有趣,但是我只想一台单纯的电子计算器。

    A : It sounds interesting , but I only want a plain calculator .

  7. 用袖珍电子计算器的程序求解极密中心产状和π圆

    Using a programable pocket calculator to determine attitude of pole density centre and π circle

  8. 外宾:一台个人使用的电子计算器。

    An electronic computer for personal use .

  9. GB/T4967-1995电子计算器通用技术条件

    General specification for electronic calculators

  10. 比如,起初是算盘由电子计算器代替了,接着便是电脑。

    For example , at first , electronic calculators instead of the abacus , then , computer .

  11. 最后,在中国的一名学生托马斯,说他喜欢在学校使用电子计算器。

    Finally , Thomas , a student in China , says he likes using electronic calculators in school .

  12. 在使用电子计算器的当代,作为数学辅助特的计算尺已经过时了。

    In these days of electronic calculators , the slide rule is out of date as a mathematical aid .

  13. 数学头脑美国学生一向不大有数学头脑,不得不长期依赖电子计算器。

    Mathematics brains US students always not greatly have mathematicsbrains , can not but the long-term dependence electronic calculator .

  14. 如今电子计算器已成为普通的计算工具,但不少财会人员仍对中国算盘情有独钟。

    Though nowadays calculators have Become a popular calculating device , many accountants still focus their attention on aBacuses with great passion .

  15. 每一个孩子在被允许使用电子计算器以前应该熟记乘法运算表。

    Every child should be made to learn multiplication tables off by heart , before they are allowed to use electronic calculators .

  16. 如今由于科学的进步,电子计算器功能的发达,这三种方法虽各有优缺点,唯能真正与实际坡地现场模拟应力应变行为的方法,非动力数值分析法莫属。

    They all have their advantages and weaknesses . As a result of technological advancement , the dynamic numerical analysis method can provide the best simulation .

  17. 如果你知道,那么你就知道这问题的答案:多少年以前,3位科学家在得克萨斯仪器研究室发明手提式电子计算器?

    If you know that , then you know the answer to this : How many years ago did three scientists at Texas Instruments invent the handheld electronic calculator ?

  18. 电子计算器自动记录出实际闪光次数和应该闪光次数,并可由此计算出漏闪数。

    The electronic calculator automatically records the actual times of flash and the normal times of flash , hence figures out the times of flash which are missed out .

  19. 我在一片泥泞中奔走,两边是成排的、挤得紧紧的小店,人们可以在一个血水横流的摊前买刚宰好的野鸡,而隔壁的小店则出售电子计算器。

    I trotted in the mud between rows of closely packed cubicles where you could buy a freshly slaughtered pheasant in one stand and a calculator from the adjacent one .

  20. 只经过了这么几年,计算尺就被电子计算器所代替了。在使用电子计算器的当代,作为数学辅助特的计算尺已经过时了。

    Over a period of only a few years , the slide rule gave place to the electronic calculator . In these days of electronic calculators , the slide rule is out of date as a mathematical aid .

  21. 你很有可能已经使用应用软件很多年了,你的家用或办公电脑装有如电子数据表、计算器、图片编辑器之类的应用程序。

    The chances are you 've been using apps for years . Your home or work computer has apps like a spreadsheet program , calculator or photo editor .

  22. 本文首先根据纽康的太阳公式,对太阳历表的计算进行了分析,从而建立了一个适用于袖珍电子计算机或程序计算器的简便太阳历表数学模型。

    This paper , after analysing the calculations of the solar ephemeris according to the Newcomb 's solar formula , establishes a simple mathematical model of solar ephemeris suitable for a pocket computer or programe calculator .