
kuò sàn
  • diffuse;proliferate;spread;permeate;contagion;ripple;scatter about
扩散 [kuò sàn]
  • (1) [diffuse]∶向外扩展分散

  • 溶解中的气体从浓度较大的区域向浓度较小的区域扩散

  • (2) [proliferate]∶到新的部位再生长

  • 癌扩散到肝

扩散[kuò sàn]
  1. 用水太多可能使污迹扩散。

    Using too much water could spread the stain .

  2. 癌已扩散到他的胃部。

    The cancer has spread to his stomach .

  3. 癌细胞可能扩散到身体的其他部位。

    The cancer cells may invade other parts of the body .

  4. 核扩散重新成为国际事务的关注焦点。

    Nuclear proliferation has returned to centre stage in international affairs .

  5. 被污染的空气从这里扩散到开阔的乡村地区。

    From here , contaminated air radiates out to the open countryside .

  6. 两个国家都是《核不扩散条约》的签约国。

    Both countries are signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty .

  7. 这些努力不足以抑制迅速扩散的危机。

    These efforts were insufficient to contain the burgeoning crisis .

  8. 云彩扩散开来,几乎遮住了整个天空。

    The clouds had spread and nearly covered the entire sky

  9. 他为裁军运动和反对核武器扩散而奔走。

    He campaigned for peace and against the spread of nuclear weapons .

  10. 该声明涉及裁军和防止核武器扩散问题。

    The declaration deals with disarmament and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons .

  11. 石油沿着海岸线扩散到了大约1,000英里范围的沿岸海域。

    The oil washed ashore on roughly 1,000 miles of coastline

  12. 她的乳癌尚未扩散,两位主刀医生均建议她动手术。

    She had localized breast cancer and both of her doctors had advised surgery

  13. 它形成了一个温暖的热源,热量迅速扩散至我的四肢。

    It created a glowing centre of warmth that quickly diffused through my limbs

  14. 火山灰云层正在菲律宾大范围扩散。

    A cloud of volcanic ash is spreading across wide areas of the Philippines

  15. 他们在常规体检中发现了扩散性的癌变。

    They found invasive cancer during a routine examination .

  16. 在加利福尼亚州北部,一场野火产生的烟雾已扩散了200多英里。

    In Northern California , a wildfire has spread a haze of smoke over 200 miles .

  17. 油好像在扩散。

    The oil appeared to be dispersing

  18. 可以通过放疗杀死癌细胞来抑制其再生和扩散。

    The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation .

  19. 政府立刻采取措施控制病毒的扩散。

    The government immediately took measures to curb the spread of the virus .

  20. 那孩子把一块石头扔进湖里,看着水波扩散开来。

    The child threw a stone into the lake and watched the ripples spread .

  21. 纳观尺度上的tem明场像和暗场像表明接头界面存在扩散分层现象。

    In nano-scale , the interfacial layered structures were observed on TEM bright field images ( bfi ) and dark field images ( dfi ) .

  22. 大气扩散现象的说明仍然是准经验性的和统计性的。

    The description of atmospheric dispersion phenomena remains quasi-empirical and statistical .

  23. 一滴牛奶在水中扩散开来。

    A drop of milk diffused in the water .

  24. 溶液中的气体由浓度较高的区域向浓度较低的区域扩散。

    A gas in solution diffuses from region of greater to one of less concentration .

  25. 发表在《自然》杂志上的这个研究,燃起了药物治疗控制癌扩散的新的希望。

    The study , published in the Journal nature , raises hopes of new drug therapy to stop cancer spread .

  26. 这是因为:夏季的高温和湿度会加剧香水的扩散和变化过程。

    The summer heat and humidity can intensify and evolution process .

  27. 扩散现象也如此,混合之后不能自发的分开。

    Diffusing phenomena also so , after mix cannot spontaneous separating .

  28. 他提出,供试验用的品种对二氧化碳有不同的扩散阻力

    He suggested that the varieties tested had different diffusive resistance to CO

  29. 浸出过程实际上受化学反应与扩散过程双重控制

    The reaction rate was dually controlled by chemical reaction and diffusion process .

  30. 经检查发现,主要原因是注油器扩散管汽蚀,以致注油器工作不正常,润滑油压偏低

    The main reason is that cavitation erosion occurred in pervasion pipe of lubricator .