
xīn piàn
  • chip;die;wafer;microchip;slug
芯片[xīn piàn]
  1. 在该系统设计中,以FPGA芯片作为核心器件,通过底层软件编程实现高强度聚焦超声的数字化相位调控。

    In the system design FPGA slug as a key device realizes digital phase control of high intensity focused ultrasound through base software programming .

  2. 选用带IC芯片的应变式加速度传感器,可降低系统设计难度,确保信号准确可靠;

    Choose resistance strain acceleration sensing device with IC slug , so we can reduce difficulty of system design , and ensure the reliability of the collected data .

  3. 将1,000个电话号码转存到一个128k的EPROM芯片要花好几个小时。

    It can take a couple of hours to dump a thousand telephone numbers into a 128k EPROM pack

  4. 设计硅芯片模仿人的器官听上去是异想天开。

    Designing silicon chips to mimic human organs sounds fanciful .

  5. 芯片就是一枚邮票大小的硅片。

    A chip is a piece of silicon about the size of a postage stamp .

  6. 把数字信号重新转换回通常的电视信号需要另外的微芯片。

    It will need different microchips to reconvert the digital code back into normal TV signals .

  7. 在护照和驾照中嵌入微型芯片能有效减少假冒身份进行的诈骗。

    Embedding microchips in passports and driver license can effectively reduce identity fraud .

  8. 他们终于把这种优质芯片造出来了。

    They finally succeeded in making the high-grade chip .

  9. 一种新的芯片试制成功了。

    A new chip has been successfully trial-produced .

  10. Target和Neiman受到的黑客攻击也改变了成本计算:尽管零售商不愿按凯捷咨询公司估计的那样花费67.5亿美元让所有注册机兼容芯片密码,但他们现在面临的潜在责任要大得多。

    The Target and Neiman hacks have also changed the cost calculation : although retailers have been reluctant to spend the $ 6.75 billion that Capgemini consultants estimate it will take to convert all their registers to be chip-and-PIN-compatible , the potential liability they now face is dramatically greater .

  11. 虽然美国信用卡使用有40年历史的磁条技术来处理交易,但世界上大多数国家都使用更智能的卡,其技术名为EMV(Europay、MasterCard、Visa的缩写),利用嵌入卡中的芯片加上一个客户PIN(个人识别码)来现场验证每笔交易。

    While American credit cards use the 40-year-old magstripe technology to process transactions , much of the rest of the world uses smarter cards with a technology called EMV ( short for Europay , MasterCard , Visa ) that employs a chip embedded in the card plus a customer PIN ( personal identification number ) to authenticate every transaction on the spot .

  12. (一旦大型发行商合并,芯片成本应该会下降。)

    ( Once large issuers convert together , the chip costs should drop . )

  13. (此前,塔吉特推行芯片密码卡的努力并未取得进展。)

    ( An earlier effort by Target to move to chip and PIN never gained progress . )

  14. 所以向芯片密码的转移可能取决于消费者。

    That 's why it may be up to consumers to move the needle on chip and PIN .

  15. 一些大银行,如富国银行,现在提供将磁条卡转换为芯片密码卡的服务。

    Some big banks , like Wells Fargo , are now offering to convert your magstripe card to a chip-and-PIN model .

  16. 相比之下,芯片密码卡不可能被伪造或侧录,因为扫描到的信息是加密的。

    Chip-and-PIN cards , by contrast , make fake cards or skimming impossible because the information that gets scanned is encrypted .

  17. 罗伯逊说,受芯片价格影响,一张芯片密码卡目前的价格接近3美元。

    A chip - and-PIN card currently costs closer to $ 3 , says Robertson , because of the price of chips .

  18. 大通为英国航空公司和丽思卡尔顿酒店等旅游相关公司提供了自有品牌的芯片卡。

    Chase offers a chip - enabled card under its own brand and several others for travel-related companies such as British Airways and Ritz-Carlton .

  19. "如果可以的话,合乎逻辑的做法是从你的银行获得一张芯片密码卡,"CreditCardlnsider.com联合创始人埃里克·阿达莫夫斯基说。

    " If it 's available , the logical thing is to get a chip-and-PIN card from your bank , says Eric Adamowsky , a co-founder of Credit Cardlnsider . com .

  20. 芯片密码卡遭受欺诈的可能性较低,这将使零售商和银行受益,但它们多年来一直不愿对这项技术所需的新基础设施进行投资(尤其是在消费者无法使用这种卡的情况下)。

    Retailers and banks stand to benefit from the lower fraud levels of chip-and-PIN cards but have been reluctan for years to invest in the new infrastructure needed for the technology , especially if consumers don ' t have access to it .

  21. 这是一个鸡和蛋的问题:如果购物者不携带芯片卡,那就没有人愿意把钱花在可以读取芯片卡的升级版销售点系统上;如果商店没有配备使用芯片卡的设备,那么消费者就没有必要携带这种昂贵的塑料卡。

    It ' s a chicken-and-egg problem : no one wants to spend the money on upgraded point-of-sale systems that can read the chip cards if shoppers aren 't carrying them — yet there 's little point in consumers ' carrying the fancy plastic if stores aren 't equipped to use them .

  22. 我爱盐和醋芯片。他们非常上瘾。

    I love salt and vinegar chips . They are very addicting .

  23. 芯片身份证也许便捷,但却极不安全

    Speedy they may be , but chipped ID cards are horrendously insecure .

  24. 系统级芯片设计与SYSTEMC

    System-Level IC Design and System C

  25. 因此,白光LED驱动芯片的研究就具有很大的现实意义和广泛的应用价值。

    The research of white-LED driving chip has great practical significance .

  26. 多芯片阵列组合白光LED封装研究

    Multi-chip Array Combination White Light LED Seal Research

  27. 分析了DSP芯片对传真功能的支持。

    The supporting function of DSP to the IP facsimile is analyzed .

  28. 数字信号处理及DSP芯片的发展前景

    The prospect of digital signal processing and digital signal processors

  29. 具有PID自整定温控功能的芯片加热器的研制

    Development of the chip 's heater with PID self-adjustment temperature control function

  30. DNA芯片技术及其应用

    DNA Chip Technology and its Application