
diàn ɡōnɡ xué
  • electrotechnics;electrical engineering
  1. 用PB开发电工学试题库管理系统

    Developing electrotechnics test base management system using PB

  2. 开放式电工学实验多媒体CAI课件的设计

    An Open Multimedia CAI Design of Electrotechnics Experiment

  3. 接触器控制与PLC控制在电工学实验中的对比研究

    Comparative Study on Electrics Experiment Based on Relay-Contactor Control and PLC Control

  4. 主要介绍PLC在电工学电工技术实验课中带负载实验。

    The paper mainly introduces PLC experiments with burden in electro technical experiment classes .

  5. 电工学课程CAI模式的探索与实践

    Research and Practice on the CAI Mode of Electrical Engineering Curriculum

  6. 把CPLD引入电工学的教学实践

    The teaching practice of introducing the CPLD into electrical engineering course

  7. 电工学课程的PBL教学模式初探

    Applying PBL Teaching Pattern to the Course of Electrical Engineering

  8. EDA技术是实现电工学研究型教学的良好手段

    EDA technology is an effective approach for realizing research-type education in electrical engineering course

  9. 对面向21世纪电工学教学内容和课程体系的改革方案、电工学CAI工作的设想及教材建设等方面进行了研究和探讨。

    This paper includes the research of electrotechnics teaching content and course system reform scheme , CAI ideas and textbook construction .

  10. 对电工学课程实验中的电机正反转控制和Y-△启动控制,分别用接触器控制和PLC的计时器控制,并对两种方法进行了对比研究;

    The control method of electric machine positive-negative rotating and " Y - △" starting in electrics experiment are studied by means of relay-contactor control and PLC control .

  11. EWB仿真实验在电工学课程理论教学中的应用

    Application of EWB in electronic engineering of theory teaching

  12. 长达5年的教学实践证明,EDA技术的确是实现电工学研究型教学的一种极其有效的手段。

    The teaching experience in past 5 years proves that the EDA technology is truly an effective approach for realizing the research-type education in electrical engineering course .

  13. RLC串联电路的暂态过程、串联电路的性质和串联谐振是电工学课程中的重点和难点内容之一。

    The transient procedure , the character and the series resonance of RLC se-ries circuit are the most important and difficult subject of electrotechnics .

  14. 介绍了电工学CAI课件设计的主要方法与实现手段,重点叙述了脚本编写方法与外部仿真程序调用。

    The main technology and method are introduced in design of electrotechnics CAI courseware , emphasis of depiction are the method of writing script and how to use the external emulation in a courseware program .

  15. 以编排的两个设计型实验为例,说明如何把先进的可编程器件CPLD引入电工学教学,指导学生上机进行设计。

    By showing two design-type experiments , it is explained how to introduce the advanced CPLD ( Complex Programmable Logic Device ) into Electrical Engineering Course and instruct the students carrying the simulation design by using the computer .

  16. 介绍了在电工学理论课程教学中引入EWB软件实验,使理论教学与仿真验证相结合,将抽象的理论知识变成直观的感性认识。

    This paper introduces the software EWB is imported in the electronic engineering of theory teaching , and the theory combines with the simulation , the abstract theory becomes intuitionistic geist knowledge .

  17. 通过电工学分析9MVA×3电石炉低压补偿装置的补偿容量和装置组成,计算出该装置投产后的经济效益。

    According to electric analysis of 9MVA × 3 low - voltage compensation apparatus and construction of mechanism , the installation economic benefits are calculated .

  18. 提高电工学实验教学质量的尝试

    Study and Practice to Improve Teaching in Experiments of Electrical Engineering

  19. 《电工学》网络试题库系统的设计

    System design of " Electrotechnics " examination database based on web

  20. 电工学教学中培养学生创新素质的一些例子

    Some Examples to Improve Student 's Innovation Ability in Electrotechnics Teaching

  21. 对师范院校电工学教学和实验进行了改革尝试。

    The teaching and experiment of electrotechnics are reformed in teaching university .

  22. 技校《电工学》课程教学改革的探讨

    Probes into the Teaching Reform of " Electrotechnics " in Technical Schools

  23. 师范院校电工学教学改革尝试

    The practice of Electrotechnics Teaching Reformation in teachers ' University

  24. 电工学课程教学内容教学方法的改革实践

    Course Contents and Teaching Methods Reforms in Electrical Engineering Course

  25. 在《电工学》教学中如何提高教学效率的探讨

    Discussion on How to Improve of Teaching Efficiency in Electrical Engineering Teaching

  26. 多媒体技术在电工学教学中的运用分析

    Analysis on the Application in Electrotechnics Teaching of Multimedia Technology

  27. 提高电工学课堂教学效果的探讨

    An Exploration on the Improving of the Electrical Engineering Classroom Teaching Result

  28. 《电工学》实验教学改革探讨

    Discussion about the reform of the experiment teaching of the electric engineering

  29. 面向21世纪电工学课程的教学改革

    On Teaching Reform of Electrotechnics Courses Facing to 21st Century

  30. 高职机械类专业《电工学》课程教学改革的研究与实践

    Study and Practice of Teaching Transformation of Electrotechnics Course in Manufacturing Speciality