
  • 网络Grameen bank
  1. Iqbal和孟加拉乡村银行的创始人MuhammadYunus建立了关系,该银行向孟加拉人民提供小额贷款,帮助人们梦想成真。

    He struck up a relationship with Muhammad Yunus , the founder of Grameen Bank , which provides microfinance , to turn the dream into reality .

  2. 孟加拉乡村银行模式在中国的实践

    The Realization of Grameen Bank Model in China

  3. 上世纪70年代,他开办了孟加拉乡村银行(GrameenBank)。

    In the nineteen seventies he started what became the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh .

  4. 他是孟加拉乡村银行(GrameenBank)的创始人。该组织从70年代开始提供小额贷款。

    He is the founder of the Bangladesh-based Grameen Bank , an organization which has been providing microcredit since the 1970 's.

  5. 孟加拉乡村银行改写穷人命运

    Bengal Country Bank Change the Fate of the Poor

  6. 孟加拉乡村银行表示,他们对一般贷款收取20%的费用,房屋贷款和学生贷款的收费相对较低。

    Grameen says it charges twenty percent for general loans , less for home and student loans .

  7. 首先,借鉴孟加拉乡村银行和美国社区银行的成功经验,针对我国村镇银行现状,研究其功能定位。

    First , using successful experiences on Grameen Bank and the United States community banks to study its functions .

  8. 我国在农村金融市场长期居于近乎垄断地位的农村信用社,主要借鉴了孟加拉乡村银行模式。

    Credit Union in China almost monopolize the rural financial market for a long time , basically learned its credit model from GB .

  9. 孟加拉乡村银行模式是非政府组织向穷人发放小额贷款以帮助其脱贫的金融模式。

    Grameen Bank Model is such a kind of financial model that non-government organizations provide microcredit to the poor in order to help them alleviate poverty .

  10. 在国外,农户小额信用贷款诞生于20世纪70年代,孟加拉乡村银行的成功拉开了其在国际范围内全面发展的历史帷幕。

    The Rural Micro Credit ( Hereafter RMC ) started in 1970s abroad , and the success of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh drew the curtains of comprehensive development in an international range .

  11. 小额信贷是孟加拉乡村银行于20世纪70年代总结出的一种专为穷人服务的信贷模式,并很快被推广到亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲等国家。

    Micro-credit is a credit model which was summed up for the poor by the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh in the 1970s , and soon extended to Asia , Africa and Latin America and other countries .

  12. 首先对国外普惠金融发展较为成功的模式进行了分析,如孟加拉乡村银行、玻利维亚阳光银行等,从中得出对我国普惠金融发展及普惠金融基础设施建设的可借鉴经验。

    This part analyzed the successful model of foreign inclusive financial development , such as the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh and so on . Then we obtained some experience and inspiration in developing the inclusive finance and constructing the inclusive financial infrastructure .

  13. 本章通过对农业银行组织管理体系、小额信贷的特征及发展模式的研究,与孟加拉乡村银行进行了对比分析,找出不足及存在问题,提出了相关建议及完善办法。

    The third chapter discusses the organization and management system and development model of the rural microfinance in ABC . Compared with the Bengal Rural Bank , the deficiencies and problems of ABC are revealed , and then some suggestions and ways are proposed .