
yuǎn dōnɡ ɡuó jì jūn shì fǎ tínɡ
  • International Military Tribunal for the Far East;the Far Eastern International Military Court of Justice
  1. 这些犯罪行为将构成强制死刑,这就是说庭审法官没有其他选择,直接宣判犯罪分子死刑。远东国际军事法庭在二战之后审判了战犯。

    The Far-east International Military Tribunal brought the war criminals to trial after the Second World War .

  2. 1946年的今天,道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军在东京建立了“远东国际军事法庭”用以审判日本的战犯。

    1946-General Douglas MacArthur establishes the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo to try Japanese war criminals .

  3. 二战后远东国际军事法庭依法对日本甲级战犯进行了合法、公正的审判,确立了策划、发动侵略战争及参与战争的犯罪者必须承担个人战争责任的国际法原则。

    It formally established the international law principle of personal responsibilities for the crimes of planning and launching war of aggression in violation of international law and participating in such a war .

  4. 这一罪行在远东国际军事法庭上和南京战犯军事法庭上都得到了审判。

    The atrocities had been cited both by the Judgment of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and the verdict of the Chinese Military Tribunal for War Crimes in Nanjing .