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  • immobilized enzyme
  1. 固定化酶的最适反应pH值范围较游离态酶广。

    While the appropriate pH of immobilized enzyme was wider .

  2. 该固定化酶与游离酶相比,可在较宽的pH范围保持高酶活。

    Compared with free penicillin amidase , the immobilized enzyme had good operative stability and was applicable over a wide pH range .

  3. 固定化酶的微环境效应Ⅰ&最适pH的移动

    Effects of microenvironment on immobilized enzymes & shift of pH optimum

  4. 另外,固定化酶的最适pH值为4.5,最适温度为55℃。

    Besides , the optimum pH of immobilized glucoamylase was 4.5 and temperature was 55 ℃ .

  5. 纳米复合凝胶固定化酶膜反应器去除低浓度CO2的研究

    Research on Removing Low Concentration CO_2 by Membrane Reactor Filled with Nanocomposite Hydrogel Immobilized Enzyme

  6. 研究了温度和pH值对酶活性的影响及过氧化氢和尿素对固定化酶的抑制作用。

    It was investigated that the immobilized catalase was affected by temperature and pH and inhibited by hydrogen peroxide .

  7. 当PVA和y-Fe2O3的质量比为50时,固定化酶颗粒的粒径最小。

    When the mass ratio is 50 , the size is minimum .

  8. 选择了制备固定化酶最佳的戊二醛浓度、交联温度和交联pH值。

    Using chitosan as the suportant , conditions for the immobilization , such as , glutaraldehyde concentration , PH and reaction temperature , ete .

  9. 固定化酶的最适pH值约降低1个单位,最适温度提高约10℃。

    The best reaction pH of the immobilized enzymes decreased about 1 unit , the reaction temperature of the immobilizing enzymes increased about 10 ℃ .

  10. 固定化酶-离子交换组合系统进行青霉素G水解生产6-APA的模型化研究

    Modeling of Penicillin G Hydrolysis to 6-APA in an Immobilized Enzyme-ion Exchange System

  11. 90℃温育1h后固定化酶的活力保持在95%以上;

    After incubation at 90 ℃ for 1h , the activity of these immobilized papain was retained above 95 % .

  12. 不同孔径SBA-15固定化酶的研究

    Immobilization of Enzyme on SBA-15 with varied pore sizes

  13. 通过确定苯乙酸、青霉素G在离子交换柱中的动力学行为和固定化酶的动力学参数,利用已建立的数学模型,可很好地对青霉素G水解生产6-氨基青霉烷酸过程进行计算机模拟。

    Based on Phenylacetic acid and Penicillin G dynamics in ion exchange process and immobilized enzyme kinetics , the hydrolysis of Penicillin G was simulated well by computer from the mathematical model developed .

  14. 经过静电自组装处理,固定化酶具有良好的pH稳定性、热稳定性、贮存稳定性。同时,组装酶比吸附酶的耐洗涤稳定性好。

    Through electrostatic self-assembly processing , the immobilized enzyme has good pH stability , thermal stability and storage stability , while Washing stability of assembly enzyme is a lot better than the adsorption enzym .

  15. 70℃温育处理5h和6h后固定化酶的活力也仍能保持在90%以上。

    After incubation at 70 ℃ for 5h or 6h , the activity of immobilized papain was also retained above 90 % .

  16. 匀浆状甘蔗渣纤维素用NaOH活化后,顺次经过高碘酸钠、尿素、甲醛处理,成为高反应性固定化酶载体,可用于木瓜蛋白酶的固定化。

    Homogenized bagasse-cellulose activated by NaOH and treated in turn with sodium periodate , urea , formaldehyde , was used in the fixation of papain as a fast reactional carrier .

  17. 将自由酶和固定化酶进行比较,最适pH从4.0变到4.0~4.4,最适温度从50变成50~55℃,Km从0.16%变为0.28%淀粉液。

    To compare the properties of free enzyme with the immobilized enzyme the optimum pHs have changed from 4.0 to 4.0-4.4 , the optimal temperatures from 50 to 50-55 ℃ and Km values from 0.16 % to 0.28 % of starch solution .

  18. 与GA交联法制备的固定化酶相比,具有良好的重复使用稳定性、温度稳定性和比活力。这是一种低成本、实用性强的脂肪酶固定化新方法。

    Compared with the GA-immobilized lipase , the THP-immobilized lipase had higher reusability , thermal stability and activity than that immobilized by GA. This was a cheap and readily available new method of immobilization of lipase . 5 .

  19. 从X射线微区分析结果表明:酶电极表面固定化酶的分布均匀,且保存较高的酶活,从微观的角度说明了酶电极的性能与酶电极表面酶活分布的关系。

    The precipitation deposited the active site of ( immobilized ) GOD on the enzyme electrode . The X-ray microanalysis showed that the distribution of active enzyme on the surface of the enzyme electrode was uniform , and the GOD immobilized maintained high activity .

  20. 保温20min后,固定化酶活性保留7%,游离酶活性几乎完全丧失。

    During 20 minutes , 7 % of the activity of immobilized enzyme was reserved but almost all the activity of free enzyme lost .

  21. 应用脑内微透析技术,高效液相色谱-柱后固定化酶反应器-电化学检测器动态监测清醒自由活动大鼠纹状体细胞外液乙酰胆碱(ACh)和胆碱(Ch)水平的变化。

    The intracerebral microdialysis and high performance liquid chromatography-post column Immobilized enzyme reactor-electrochemical detection were used to continuously measure extracellular acetylcholine ( ACh ) and choline ( Ch ) levels in striatum of freely moving awake rats .

  22. 与游离酶相比,其热稳定性有了大幅度地提高,50℃条件下固定化酶的半衰期估算在2500min以上,而游离酶的半衰期只有80min左右。

    This immobilized papain showed greatly improved thermostability and pH stability compared to its native free enzyme .

  23. 经放大后实验重复性良好。上述固定化酶置于0~4℃保存20d,酶活损失分别为192%和177%;

    When kept at 0 ~ 4 ℃ for 20 days the immobilized enzyme loses activity by 19.2 % for atlapulgite or 17.7 % for talc .

  24. 以AB-8型树脂固定化酶催化合成反应,分析产物的红外谱图和LC-MS质谱,推测可能有正丁基-葡萄糖苷的生成。

    When the AB-8 resin immobilized enzyme was used in the synthesis , by analysing the IR and LC-MS of the product , we may speculate there is butyl-glucoside producing in the reaction .

  25. 采用电子顺磁共振(EPR)及核磁共振(NMR)研究了水与酶之间的关系。在有机溶剂中加水和不加水情况下,处于悬浮状态的酶及固定化酶结构和功能存在差别。

    Water-protein interactions and the involvement of water in enzyme structure and function were investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance ( EPR ) and multinuclear nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ) studies of enzymes suspended and immobilized in organic solvents with and without addition of water .

  26. 结果表明,用于研制固定化酶生物传感器时,杂化膜不仅对底物的响应时间快(小于10s),而且能较好地保持酶的催化活性。

    The results show that the biosensor fabricated with hybrid film has a fast response time for substrate ( less than10s ) and a good ability retaining the activity of enzymes .

  27. 在69~70℃,80min固定化酶较天然酶更稳定。

    The thermal stability of the immobilized enzyme was higher than that of the native ficin in 69 ~ 70 ℃ for 80 min.

  28. 在此条件下,固定化酶活力为186.8U/cm2,相对活力78.69%,活力回收>40%。

    The immobilized enzyme activity is 186.8U/cm2 relative activity is 78.69 % and the recovery rate of the enzyme is above 40 % .

  29. 结合固定化酶的机械强度,确定SA-KC-Gel是一种新型、有效固定β-半乳糖苷酶的载体。

    Combined with mechanical strength of the immobilized enzyme , we determined SA-KC-Gel is a new and effective carrier for immobilizing β - galactosidase .

  30. 为实现固定化酶催化过程的连续操作,提出在阳极氧化铝(AAO)孔内合成介孔氧化硅,结合介孔氧化硅在固酶上的优势和AAO的膜结构,构筑结构化生物催化剂。

    To achieve continuous manipulation of immobilized enzyme applied in catalysis , structured bio-catalysts are presented by synthesis of mesoporous silica in anodic aluminum oxide ( AAO ), which combines the advantage of mesoporous silica as host of enzyme and the membrane structure of AAO .