
gù yǒu
  • inherent;inherence;intrinsic;innate;inborn
固有 [gù yǒu]
  • [inherent;intrinsic;innate;inborn] 从一开始就有的

  • 从其中引出其固有的而不是臆造的规律性。--《改造我们的学习》

固有[gù yǒu]
  1. 研究表明,含有孔洞试件的固有频率与标准试件相比略低一些,但差别不大。

    Research shows that the intrinsic frequency of hole defect lumbers is little lower than standard lumbers .

  2. 多样化与异质化&一种可能倡导的生态规划思维然而由于Internet固有的异构性和接收端的不同需求,使得单一速率的组播不再适用。

    However , the Internet 's intrinsic heterogeneity and diverse receivers make single-rate multicast unsuitable .

  3. 个性鲜明是英国人固有的、也是他们看重的特点。

    Individuality is a valued and inherent part of the British character .

  4. 人的正确思想不是自己头脑中固有的。

    Correct ideas are not innate in the mind .

  5. 人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。

    Though death befalls all men alike , it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather .

  6. 他们竭力主张废除固有的制度,但没有提出代替这些制度的任何建议。

    They preach the abolition of established systems but prose nothing to replace them .

  7. 她想与其让每个家庭出钱,还不如抓住废物本身固有的经济价值,然后用这个利益去帮助卫生事业运转。

    Instead of making households pay , she wants to capture the inherent economic value of waste itself , and use the profits to help pay for sanitation .

  8. 人固有一死,死有重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。(司马迁《报任少卿书》)

    Though death befalls all men alike , it may be weightier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather . & all men must die , but some die a more meaningful death than others .

  9. 有时候,跳出固有思维不仅能解决一个问题,还能解决两个问题。

    Sometimes , thinking outside the box solves not just one , but two problems .

  10. 释放我们的自我提升能力意味着把我们自己从固有的思维模式中解放出来。

    Unlocking our self-improvement power means unlocking ourselves out of the box of thought that is just the way we are .

  11. 放下你所有先入为主的固有成见,保持中立。

    Drop all of your preconceived fixed1 ideas and be neutral .

  12. 第二,钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿是中国固有领土。

    Second , the Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands are China 's inherent territory .

  13. 中方在钓鱼岛海域巡航执法是行使本国固有权利。

    China 's patrol and law enforcement in waters off the Diaoyu Island is an exercise of its inherent rights .

  14. 她们是意气风发、生性活泼,具有创业精神的奶奶辈,她们打破一切固有规则,放弃稳定的退休生活,只为成就个人创业。

    They are a generation of spirited , vivacious1 and entrepreneurial grannies , ripping up the rule book and eschewing2 steady retirement3 in order to launch successful businesses .

  15. 四方研究所和东英吉利亚大学的微生物基因组学教授马克·帕伦建议采用一个固有的专有名词清单来重新命名,因为B.1.617.2这样的标签不好念也不好记。

    Mark Pallen , professor of microbial genomics at the Quadram Institute and University of East Anglia , suggested alternatives that use a pre-generated list of proper nouns because labels like B.1.617.2 are so tricky to pronounce and remember .

  16. 基于Matlab的大型梁结构固有振动边界元法仿真

    BEM Simulation of Natural Vibration of Large-type Beam Structure Based on Matlab

  17. 固有活性涉及受体、G蛋白及下游信号通路之间的关系。

    Constitutive activity involves interaction of receptors , G proteins , and down-stream signal transduction pathways .

  18. 但是,由于Internet固有的开放性和匿名性特征,导致其安全问题成为了网络应用的主要障碍。

    However , security becomes the main obstacle of network application because of the inherent property of Internet for opening and anonymity .

  19. 传统特征选择算法在多维Web数据中由于其数据对象自身固有的稀缺性而常常失效。

    Traditional feature selection algorithms trends to break down in high dimensional Web spaces because of the ( inherent ) sparsity of the data object .

  20. PATRAN/NASTRAN建立了Hα与白光望远镜的有限元模型,采用特征向量法求得前四阶固有频率和振型。

    PATRAN / NASTRAN , and the first several orders of natural frequencies and modal shapes are calculated with eigenvectors method .

  21. 许多WebAPI中所固有的一个令人遗憾的设计缺陷在于将HTTP方法用于非预期用途。

    An unfortunate design flaw inherent in many Web APIs is in the use of HTTP methods for unintended purposes .

  22. NK细胞是固有免疫中的一种重要的效应细胞。

    Natural killer cell is a kind of effector cells in inherent immunity .

  23. Toll样受体与固有免疫的进化

    Toll-like Receptor and Innate Immunity in Phylogenesis

  24. 环形超声波电动机定子振动的固有频率RC环形多谐振荡器输出波形分析

    Natural Frequency of the stator of Ring Ultrasonic Motor Analysis of an RC Loop Multivibrator Output Waveform

  25. 第2部分.给出了网架固有振动频率的拟夹层板法算法和ANSYS模态分析算法。

    Part 2 . Equivalent sandwich plate and ANSYS modal analysis are used in the calculation of free vibration .

  26. Maxwell模型粘弹性圆拱固有振动

    The natural vibrations of circular arches with viscoelastic on maxwell 's model

  27. SOC(Systemonchip)的出现在很大程度上提高了整个系统的性能,并很好得解决了板级系统固有的噪声问题和板级连线延时所带来的速度问题。

    SOC ( System On Chip ) can improve the system performance greatly and solve various problems of a PCB system such as noise , speed limit caused by wire delay etc.

  28. 几何参数对Timoshenko梁固有频率的影响

    Influence of Geometric Parameter on Natural Frequency of Timoshenko Beam

  29. Ld光纤温度传感及分子固有电矩对测温精度的影响

    Temperature sensing by means of LD optic fiber and the effect of molecular intrinsic electric dipole moment on measurement accuracy

  30. 利用动态有限元对板梁组合结构的固有频率进行求解,并与常规有限元和Ansys的计算结果进行了比较,显示出了动态有限元精度高,所需单元少的优势。

    Fourth , this paper solves the frequency of stiffened plate structure , and compares the results with the ones acquired from FEM and ANSYS .