
nónɡ yè shēnɡ tài xì tǒnɡ
  • agroecosystem
  1. 农业生态系统的水热耗散过程与节水调控

    The Process of Water-heat Dissipation and Water saving Regulation in Agroecosystem

  2. 阿克苏地区农业生态系统的物质与能量流动

    Materials Cycle and Energy Flow in Agroecosystem in The Aksu Area

  3. 农业生态系统中N素在土水界面的迁移转化研究进展

    Research progress on N movement between soil and water interface in agro-ecosystem

  4. 基于AHP法的重庆市农业生态系统综合分析评价

    Evaluation and Analysis of the Agro-ecosystem in the Chongqing City Based on AHP Method

  5. 塿土农业生态系统中微量元素研究Ⅱ有机肥对作物-土壤中ZnMnCu平衡的影响

    Trace Elements in Agro-Ecological System of Lou Soil ⅱ The Effects of Organic Manure on the Balances of Zn Mn and Cu in the Crop-Soil

  6. 而土壤-作物系统是农业生态系统的核心,它是农用化学物质施用及污水灌溉等的主要场所,是Cd向人类食物链迁移积累、直接或间接地危害人体健康的关键环节。

    As a core of agricultural ecosystem , soil-plant system loads chemicals and sewage , and is the key of transfer of cadmium to food chain .

  7. 山地农业生态系统持续发展的有效途径&坡地农业技术(SALT)退耕还林工程技术决策支持系统研究

    An effective way for sustainable development of upland agricultural ecosystem & The sloping agricultural land technology ( SALT ) Research the Techonology DSS of Convert Sloping Agricultural Land into Forest

  8. K值的大小取决于其他相关的指标,这些处于不同层次上的指标构成了一个简单实用的综合评价农业生态系统的指标体系。

    The value of K depends on the other related parameters . Those parameters of different levels composed a simple and practical index system for comprehensive evaluation of agro ecosystem .

  9. 为了培肥地力,模式养分平衡要求N盈余在40%以上,以实现绿洲农业生态系统养分良性循环。

    In order to fertilize the soil fertility , the model of nutrient balance demands that the surplus of N should be over 40 % so as to achieve a good nutrient cycle in the oases agro-ecosystem .

  10. 农业生态系统生产力的概念及其度量方法AGO与ED之差就是农业生态系统生产力(APES);

    The Concept of Agricultural Productivity on Ecosystem Scale and Its Measurement They can be calculated with the same method , Exergy Valuation . APES equal to AGO subtract ED.

  11. 农业生态系统中产生的温室气体已成为引起全球气候变暖的因素之一,CO2和N2O作为最主要的温室气体一直以来都被各国政府与广大研究者所关注。

    Greenhouse gases ( GHGs ) emitted from agro-ecosystems have been becoming one of the main causes which result in the global warming . CO_2 and N_2O , as the main greenhouse gases , have attracted more and more attentions from the international scientists and governments of many countries .

  12. FSES引入数据库关联技术,结合传统的产生式规则法和框架法等人工智能技术,建立了以关系型知识库为主的农业生态系统知识库体系。

    The FSES adopted relation database system and interrelated knowledge presentation technology in combination with production rule and frame system .

  13. 根据中科院栾城农业生态系统综合试验站和栾城县气象站的常规观测资料,运用SWAP软件对太行山山前平原-河北省栾城县田间土壤水分运动进行了数值模拟。

    Based on the data from Luancheng Agriculture Experimental Station of CAS and Luancheng Weather Station , numerical simulation of soil water movement of farmland in the piedmont plain of the Taihang Mountains is conducted using SWAP model as an analysis tool .

  14. SCOTTCHRISTIANSON:“在每个农业生态系统内,我们在各个国家之间都进行了良好的合作。通过这种合作,他们可以互相学习,更加有效地团结协作。”

    SCOTT CHRISTIANSON : " We have good partnerships among the countries within each agro-eco system so that through this twinning they can learn lessons from each other and work together effectively through time . "

  15. 遵义地区山地农业生态系统结构初探

    Study on the structure of the agriculture ecosystem in Zunyi region

  16. 定西地区农业生态系统结构优化的对策

    Measures to Optimize the Structure of the Dingxi Region Agricultural Eco-System

  17. 草地农业生态系统中的碳循环研究动态

    Research progress and trend of the carbon cycle in grassland agroecosystem

  18. 区域农业生态系统稳定性分析与评价的理论和方法

    The Theory and Method for Analysis and Assessment of Regional Agro-Ecosystem

  19. 农业生态系统可持续发展的制约因素与调控对策

    Limiting Factors and Regulation Strategies for Sustainable Development of Agricultural Ecosystem

  20. 农业生态系统综合评价指标体系及其权重

    A study on agro-eco system evaluative index system and its weight

  21. 农业生态系统的特点及其研究任务

    The characteristics of agro - ecosystem and task of its research

  22. 农业生态系统健康的基本内涵及其评价指标

    A discussion on basic content and evaluation index system of agroecosystem health

  23. 川中丘陵区农业生态系统的演替

    Evolvement of Agro-ecosystem in the Hilly Area of the Central Sichuan Basin

  24. 太行山浅山区农业生态系统几个问题的分析

    Analysis of an Agroecosystem in Low Mountain District of Taihang

  25. 关联度分析在农业生态系统技术调控上的应用

    The Application of Related Degree Analysis in the Technical Regulation for Agro-Ecosystem

  26. 海城市不同类型农业生态系统作物生产力分析

    Analysis of Crop Productivity in Different Agro & ecosystems in Haicheng City

  27. 农业生态系统评价若干问题探讨

    Discussion of Problems in Agro - eco - system Assessment

  28. 红壤农业生态系统养分循环、平衡和调控研究

    Nutrient cycling , balance and regulation in red soil agroecosystem

  29. 开垦对农业生态系统土壤有机碳动态变化的影响

    Effects of Cultivation on Soil Organic Carbon Dynamics in Agroecosystems

  30. 生物入侵对生物多样性以及草地农业生态系统的影响

    The impact of biological invasion on biodiversity and grassland agroecosystem