
  • 网络genetic mapping;genetic map
  1. 提出了进一步开发中文版新一代遗传作图软件、建立基因组图谱数据库和基于因特网(Internet)的基因组信息检索等设想。

    The future work for developing new genetic mapping software ( Chinese version ), constructing genome map database and searching bio_ genome information via Internet were also put forward .

  2. 卡方测验的结果表明,本研究所用的玉米四交F1群体是一个随机群体,适合于遗传作图、基因定位等基因组分析和应用。

    The result of goodness test indicated that the four-way cross population used in this study was a random population and it could be used for genetic mapping and analyzing QTLs .

  3. 小麦的遗传作图和衰老相关生理性状的QTL分析

    Genetic Map of Wheat and QTL Mapping for Senescence and Related Physiological Traits in Wheat

  4. 田间主要农艺性状、表型性状和分子标记基本符合理论预期分布,表明该F2群体,适合用于遗传作图分析。

    Most of the molecular markers , phenotypic markers and agronomic traits agree to normal distribution or expected segregation ratio , which indicate that this F2 population are suitable for genetic linkage mapping .

  5. 大豆重组自交系群体的构建与调整及其在遗传作图、抗花叶病毒基因定位和农艺及品质性状QTL分析中的应用

    Establishment and Adjustment of RIL Population and Its Application to Map Construction , Mapping Genes Resistant to SMV and QTL Analysis of Agronomic & Quality Traits in Soybeans

  6. 本文综述RAPD技术的基本原理、特点及在果树品种鉴定、系谱分析、遗传作图、基因定位、育种等方面的应用,并对RAPD技术存在的问题进行讨论。

    The basic principle and characters of Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) and its application to cultivars identification , pedigree analysis , genetic map construction , location of genes , and breeding of fruit trees are reviewed . Some problems in RAPD application are also discussed .

  7. 毛白杨遗传作图最适分离群体的选择

    Optimizing segregation population selection for genetic linkage maps in Populus tomentosa

  8. 偏分离及对植物遗传作图的影响

    Segregation Distortion and Its Effect on Genetic Mapping in Plants

  9. 用于遗传作图的动物参考家系

    A animal reference family used in genetic mapping

  10. 植物遗传作图的方法和软件

    Methods and Softwares in Plant Genetic Mapping

  11. 比较遗传作图显示松属树种具有高度的遗传保守性;

    COMPARE High level of genetic conservative in pine species has been revealed with comparative mapping .

  12. 因此,本实验为开展近交系大鼠遗传作图、基因定位和实验动物的遗传背景的监测提供可靠的信息,为大鼠遗传基困的研究提供了一个快捷简便、特异准确的方法。

    It is a speedy and convenient method for genetic research of inbred rat in the experiment .

  13. 偏分离是遗传作图中的普遍现象,是一种强有力的进化动力。

    Segregation distortion , which is identified as a strong evolutionary force , is common in genetic mapping .

  14. 所检测到的多态性位点经遗传作图,23个标记被标于多花黑麦草遗传连锁图中。

    Twenty-five polymorphisms were detected and 23 RGA-CAPS markers were mapped to all the seven genetic linkage groups of Italian ryegrass .

  15. 分子标记是遗传作图、基因定位、基因组比较、遗传多样性分析等遗传研究的重要工具。

    Molecular markers are an important genetic tool for genetic map constructing , gene mapping , genome comparison and genetic diversity .

  16. 进行萝卜主要品质性状遗传作图,能够解析品质性状遗传基础,有利于分子标记辅助选择,加快高品质品种的培育进程。

    Mapping of radish main quality traits could elucidate the genetic base of quality traits and promote marker-assisted selection and breeding programs of high-quality .

  17. 此外由于其在基因组中分布的丰富性和同一位点双等位基因的优点可使遗传作图更加精细。

    In addition , due to the advantages of Richness in the genome distribution and the same Sites Biallelic make more refined in genetic mapping .

  18. 在分子水平上对杨属树种进行的基因组研究,内容包括遗传作图、基因组测序、物理图谱构建、基因芯片及连锁不平衡分析;

    The genomics studies carried out in Populus , including genetic mapping , genome sequencing , physical map construction , microarray analysis and linkage disequilibrium analysis ;

  19. 随着遗传作图的不断发展,人们开始比较不同物种的基因组,并且揭示了一种从未被发现的基因组水平上基因排列顺序的保守性。

    With the advance of genetic mapping and comparing of different genomes , an undiscovered type of conservation was revealed : the conservation of gene content and gene orders on the genome level .

  20. 这一方面可以增加棉花遗传作图标记,另一方面为进一步解析转录因子在棉花产量、纤维品质以及逆境抗性中的作用奠定基础。

    The results can increase the cotton genetic mapping markers , and lay the foundation for further resolving the role of transcription factors in the cotton yield , fiber quality and stress tolerance .

  21. 本文简要介绍了遗传作图的3个步骤&位点分群、位点排序、距离估算,以及此3个步骤的具体操作与注意事项等,同时概括了几种作图软件及其优缺点,以供参考。

    Three steps in genetic mapping procedures , i.e. locus grouping , locus ordering , and distance calculation as well as the merits and shortcomings of several popular mapping softwares were evaluated in this paper .

  22. 结果表明,上述技术的应用可以清晰地鉴定出每个精子的单倍型,单精子分型技术的应用为猪高精度遗传作图及需要样本量足够大的遗传现象研究提供了独特的工具。

    The results showed that the haplotypes of individual sperm can be unequivocally demonstrated by these methods . The application of single sperm typing provides a unique tool for the construction of high resolution genetic map and the study of genetic phenomena requiring large sample size .

  23. 遗传标记作图的通用最大似然模型

    An Universal MLE Model For Mapping of Genetic Markers

  24. 遗传连锁作图、定位克隆、数量特性位点作图、微阵列分析及转录沉默等,是近年来常用的基因组学研究技术。

    Genetic linkage mapping , positional cloning , quantitative loci traits mapping , microarrays and transcriptional silencing are genomic technologies that being widely used in recent years .

  25. 综述了林木蛋白质组学在群体遗传、遗传作图、逆境生理、组织器官以及木材形成等方面的研究进展,并简要介绍了林木蛋白质组数据库。

    A review is given about the progress in forest tree proteomics research in the areas of population genetics , genetic mapping , stress physiology , organs and tissues , and wood formation , etc. Furthermore , forest tree proteome database is briefly introduced .

  26. 结合对子代在田间表型性状分离情况,选取了该分离群体作为构建毛白杨遗传连锁图的作图群体。

    Therefore , the mapping population of TB01 × LM50 , considering the segregation of phenotypic traits , was selected for the construction of the first genetic linkage map in P. tomentosa .

  27. 本文回顾了世界上松树分子标记遗传图谱构建、比较遗传作图、数量性状位点定位和标记辅助选择的研究进展。

    The worldwide progress on construction of molecular marker linkage map , comparative mapping , quantitative trait locus ( QTL ) mapping and marker-aided selection ( MAS ) in Pinus spp.

  28. ISSR标记呈孟德尔式遗传,在多数物种中是显性的,目前已广泛用于植物品种鉴定、遗传作图、基因定位、遗传多样性、进化及分子生态学研究中。

    ISSR markers are inherited in Men-delin mode and segregated as dominant markers . This technique has been widely used in the studies of cultivar identification , genetic mapping , gene tagging , genetic diversity , evolution and molecular ecology .