
  • 网络Synthesizer;short-short
  1. 亚里士多德作为西方政治学和比较政治学的创始者,也作为古典政治哲学的集大成者,对西方后世的政治思想界产生了巨大的影响。

    Aristotle who is the founder of western political science and comparative politics , also as synthesizer of classical political philosophy , has an enormous effect on the field of political philosophy and thought in the later western world .

  2. 其三,避讳方法众多,是一个集大成者。

    Third , taboo have many methods , is a synthesizer .

  3. 他是这一学派思想的集大成者。

    He epitomized the thought of this school .

  4. 这部10集日本电视剧堪称玛丽苏故事的集大成者。

    The 10-episode Japanese drama has a quintessential Mary Sue storyline .

  5. 清代是封建官僚体系之集大成者,其膳食官员也多于前代。

    Qing dynasty was the ripest period of feudal bureaucrat system .

  6. 而康德是教育现代性的集大成者。

    Kant is the most important and greatest thinker in educational modernity .

  7. 知识型虚拟社区作为虚拟社区发展的集大成者,眼下发展势头尤为迅猛。

    And the development rate of knowledge-based virtual communities is particularly high .

  8. 唐代刑讯制度是古代封建社会刑讯制度的集大成者,唐之后的各个朝代都以唐代的刑讯制度为蓝本来设计当朝的刑讯制度。

    Torture system in Tang dynasty epitomized the system in ancient feudal society .

  9. 当代凯恩斯主义的集大成者&保罗·A·萨缪尔森

    The collector of contemporary keynesianism - paul Samuelson

  10. 而被子作为黑人妇女文化的集大成者,其喻意更加深厚。

    " Quilts " is another typical embodiment for black woman culture with profound meaning .

  11. 《孙子兵法》是中国古代军事谋略思想的集大成者。

    Sun Tzu The Art of War best represents the ancient military strategy of China .

  12. “我们在这里简直就是无能的集大成者,”其中一个说道。

    " We 're pretty much the epitome of uselessness here ," one woman said .

  13. “鬼城”丰都更是鬼文化的集大成者。

    The Ghost City , Fengdu , is the comprehensive expression of the ghost culture .

  14. 于是将自己的数学知识牛顿是经典力学理论的集大成者。

    So their mathematical knowledge of Newton 's theory of classical mechanics is the synthesizer .

  15. 韩非是先秦末期法家理论的集大成者,他的非道德主义思想独具特色、影响深远。

    Han Fei Qin late Legalist theory synthesizer , his non-moral ideology unique and far-reaching impact .

  16. 明清美学是中国美学之集大成者,是中华古典美学的最后一次高峰。

    Aesthetics in the Ming and Qing Dynasty was the last peak of Chinese classical aesthetics .

  17. 鹿特丹人伊拉斯谟是文艺复兴时期欧洲文化的集大成者,也是基督教共同体的捍卫者。

    Erasmus of Rotterdam was a great master in Renaissance Europe and a defender of Christian Community .

  18. 北京是中国古代都城规划的思想的集大成者。

    Beijing , the capital of China , which is the reputation of the ancient capital planning .

  19. 荀子是儒家学派的一位杰出代表,是先秦诸子思想的集大成者。

    Hsun Tzu is a Confucian school , an outstanding representative of the pre-Qin philosophers thought synthesizer .

  20. 本文第一部分主要介绍经济学关于不确定性和非理性学说的发展历史和研究成果,特别是非理性学说的集大成者&前景理论的产生和发展。

    Chapter one , introduces us the main theories of uncertainty and irrational research , especially the PT .

  21. 因此,学校首先应走向新型的领导管理体制,关键是校长的角色要发生转换,校长责无旁贷应当成为人本管理的启发者和集体智慧的集大成者。

    As a result , at First , school should be on the way to the updated management system ;

  22. 莫里哀是文学史上古典文学的集大成者,近代文学的开拓者。

    Moliere was not only a comprehensive person in classical literature , but also an exploiter in modern literature .

  23. 近代哲学的集大成者黑格尔则使本质在绝对精神的基础上达到主观与客观的最终统一。

    Hegel makes the essence reached the unity of subjective sense and objective sense based on the absolute spirit .

  24. 罗尔斯作为当代正义理论的集大成者,提出了具有代表性的社会正义理论。

    John Rawls , who combined the theory of justice successfully , advanced the representative theory of social justice .

  25. 王国维:一代有一代之文学说的集大成者

    Wang Guowei , a Representative Figure of the Theory " A Dynasty Has Its Representative Forms of Literature "

  26. 洛克和孟德斯鸠分别是近代西方分权理论的首倡者和集大成者。

    Locke and Montesquieu are respectively the initiator and the culminant figure of the decentralization theory in the West .

  27. 先前的理论最终还是要服务于实践,因此本章可谓是论文的集大成者。

    The former theory is prepared for the practice , this chapter could be seemed as the concourse of discourses .

  28. 爱德华·吉本是18世纪英国最伟大的历史学家,亦是西方理性主义史学的集大成者和卓越代表。

    Edward Gibbon is the greatest British historian in the18th century , who is also prominent in Western rationalism historiography .

  29. 孔夫子是一位大学者,是中国传统文化思想的集大成者。他的思想集中体现在《论语》中。

    Confucius was a great scholar , a master of the traditional wisdom of Chinese thought as collected in Analects .

  30. 而《史记》是先秦文化的集大成者,其中传奇故事大多来自先秦诸子百家。

    The " Historical Records " is a master of Qin culture , in which legends are from pre-Qin philosophers .