
rì piān shí
  • partial solar eclipse
日偏食 [rì piān shí]
  • [partial solar eclipse] 日食的一种,即月球在太阳和地球之间,遮蔽了部分太阳

日偏食[rì piān shí]
  1. 1987年9月23日昆明日偏食光学观测

    The Optical Observations of the Partial Solar Eclipse in Kunming

  2. 本周二将出现2011年首次日偏食景象。

    Tuesday will see the first partial solar eclipse of2011 .

  3. 月球遮住太阳的一部分叫日偏食。

    The moon covered the sun is part of the partial eclipse .

  4. 有时候,只有部分日轮被遮挡住,那就不是日全食,而是日偏食。

    It is a partial eclipse of the sun .

  5. 日偏食对低纬地磁场的影响

    ^ The effect of partial solar eclipse on geomagnetic field in low latitude

  6. 今年10月,北美将能观测到日偏食。

    In October , a partial solar eclipse will be visible from North America .

  7. 大多数人看到的是日偏食。

    Most people saw a partial eclipse .

  8. 一场战役中发生了日偏食。

    During one of the battles , there was a partial eclipse of the sun .

  9. 他们研究星空中的一切现象,他们也观察到了日全食和月全食以及日偏食和月偏食。

    They studied everything in the sky and they also noticed both total and partial eclipses .

  10. 日食主要有日全食、日偏食及日环食三种。

    Ri Quansi main solar eclipse , the partial eclipse and three on the Environment and Food .

  11. 下午三点三十九分开始,市民应该可以通过观察眼镜欣赏到日偏食。

    Residents should be able to see the partial eclipse with observation spectacles when it starts at 3:39pm .

  12. 日食共有三种,即:日偏食、日环食和日全食。

    A total solar eclipse of three , namely : the partial eclipse , on the Environment and Food and Riquan Shi .

  13. 这次日食在伦敦也可以观测到,但是只有12%的阳光被挡住,形成日偏食,所以保护眼睛格外重要。

    It was also visible in London . There only 12 % of the sun was blocked out , making eye protection extra important .

  14. 程卓称中国的其余地区可以看到日偏食,但黑龙江省东北部的一小块地区就不行了。

    A partial eclipse would be seen in most of the rest of China , except for the northeast tip of Heilongjiang Province , said Cheng .

  15. 他们表示,此天象始于一个日偏食,当时月亮阴影仅吞噬了太阳的下半部。

    They say the celestial event started as a partial eclipse , and the dark shadow of the Moon obscured only the Sun 's lower half .

  16. 早上6点半左右,美国东海岸的民众将会在低空中看到日偏食现象,时间约为30分钟。

    At around 6:30 AM , people on the east coast of the United States will be able to see low in the sky , the sun partial eclipsed for about 30 minutes .

  17. 被月球半影扫过的地带均可以看到日偏食,在偏食区内离全食区越近,偏食的程度就越大。

    The sweep was the moon penumbral zone can see the partial eclipse , the partial eclipse in the region-wide water from the area near , the greater the extent of the partial eclipse .

  18. 虽然上海市民只能看到日偏食,这仍然是一个不可多得的观测时机。专家称,此次将出现太阳带食而落的景象。

    Though people in Shanghai will see no more than a partial eclipse , experts said it will be a great experience , because the sun will be setting while the eclipse is still in progress .

  19. 这种混合型日食开始会出现“火环”日食或是日偏食,之后当月影掠过地球时将变成日全食。

    This hybird solar eclipse will start with what it described as a ring of fire or partial eclipse , and many will shift to a total eclipse as the moon shadow sweeps across our planet .

  20. 开头一偏偏到粮食,再一偏偏到副业、经济作物。他们表示,此天象始于一个日偏食,当时月亮阴影仅吞噬了太阳的下半部。

    Lop-sided stress first on grain , and then on side-lines and industrial crops . They say the celestial event started as a partial eclipse , and the dark shadow of the Moon obscured only the Sun 's lower half .