
tónɡ wèi sù xiào yìng
  • isotope effect
  1. 同位素效应同样扮演着非常重要的角色,H的同位素取代对产物有非常直接地影响。

    Isotope effect also plays a very important role in this reaction .

  2. 在不同的充入气体[He+H2+SiH4和H2]放电中,观察到类同位素效应。

    A similar Isotope effect is also observed in discharges with different filling gases [ He + H2 + SiH4 or H2 ] .

  3. Ni靶上(p,t)基态跃迁的同位素效应

    Isotope effects in Ni ( p , t ) ground state transitions

  4. C(∞v)对称分子在激光场中多光子激发的同位素效应

    The isotopic effects in the ir - multiphoton excitation of XY molecule

  5. 钒促铑基催化剂上合成气反应中的H2/D2同位素效应

    H_2 / D_2 Isotope Effects in Syngas Conversion Reactions over Vanadium-promoted Rhodium Catalyst

  6. 负U中心模型的超导转变温度及同位素效应

    Superconducting Transition Temperature and Isotopic Effect of a Negative U Center MOdel

  7. Mo含量对Ti-Mo合金氢同位素效应的影响

    Effect of Mo Content on the Hydrogen Isotope Effect of Ti-Mo Alloy Hydrides

  8. 电子性作用对MgB2超导体同位素效应的影响

    Influence of electronic interaction on isotope effect of MgB_2 superconductor

  9. 同位素效应一直是高温超导体研究的重点和难点,新型铁基超导材料中Fe的同位素效应也一直备受争议。

    The isotope effect is the key point and also the difficult point for understanding the high-temperature superconductors . Previous results on the isotope effect of the new iron-based superconductors are highly controversial .

  10. 在弱耦合极限下考虑带间相互作用,得到了二带s-波超导体临界温度Tc的公式及同位素效应指数的公式。

    The formula of T_c 's equation and the isotope effect exponent of two-band s-wave superconductor in weak-coupling limit are derived by considering the influence of interband interaction .

  11. s+d混合波对称性下计入库仑作用和VanHove奇异性的超导转变温度和同位素效应

    The superconducting transition temperature and isotope effect under s + d mixed wave symmetry including Coulomb repulsion and van Hove singularity

  12. 与传统的符合BCS理论的超导材料相比在铜基超导中发现了弱的同位素效应。

    The weak isotope effects observed for most cuprates contrast with conventional superconductors that are well described by BCS theory .

  13. MgB2超导体的同位素效应

    Isotope effect of MgB _ 2 superconductor

  14. 通过考察H3/D2同位素效应发现在Mn促进的及非促进的铑催化剂上进行的合成气反应中,乙醇生成反应均表现出显著的氘位素效应.结合CO化学吸附、XRD。

    The manganese promoter action and its mechanism have been studied in syngas conversion to ethanol over rhodium catalysts with the use of activity measurement , H2 / D2 isotope effects , H2 and CO chemisorption , XRD , IR , XPS and EPR .

  15. 氢在钯中的扩散路径为OTO跃迁,存在反同位素效应;

    The diffusion path of hydrogen is O T O jumping and there is reverse isotopic effect accompanying with quantum effect .

  16. 利用BCS理论弱耦合框架下的VanHove奇点模型进行了掺杂量x与同位素效应指数α之间关系的计算,发现能与实验基本一致。

    Using the BCS theory and Van Hove singularity in the density of states , the calculation of relations between the doping level and oxygen-isotope effect is brought out . It is found that the calculation is in agreement with the experiment results fundamentally .

  17. 在第二章,我们较为详细地介绍了MgB2超导体正常态和超导态的基本性质,其中包括同位素效应、霍尔效应、压强效应、掺杂效应等。

    In chapter 2 , we present the properties of the system in both the superconducting state and normal state , such as the isotope effect , the hall effect , the pressure effect and the doping effect .

  18. 锂盐-冠醚络合物化学交换体系中的同位素效应

    Isotopic effect of a chemical exchange system featuring Li-CROWN ether complex

  19. 锂同位素效应研究中毫克量锂的简便测定

    Simple Determining Milligram Lithium in the Study of Lithium Isotope Effect

  20. 蒿甲醚经大鼠肝微粒体酶脱甲基代谢和氘代同位素效应

    Demethylation by rat hepatic microsomal fraction and deuterium isotope effect of artemether

  21. 氦原子与氟化氢分子碰撞的同位素效应

    Isotope Effect for the Collisions between Helium Atoms and Hydrogen Fluoride Molecules

  22. 氘/氚化锆热解吸动力学同位素效应

    Kinetic Isotope Effects of Desorption for Zirconium Deuteride and Tritide

  23. 合成氨动力学方程和反同位素效应

    Kinetic Equation and Reverse Isotopic Effect of Ammonia Synthesis

  24. 钛吸氕氘混合气的同位素效应

    Isotope Effects of Absorbing H_2-D_2 Mixed Gas in Titanium

  25. 氢/氘化钛热解吸的动力学同位素效应

    Research on the Kinetics Isotope Effects of Titanium Hydride and Titanium Deuteride Desorbed

  26. 离子簇的幻数和同位素效应

    Magic numbers and isotopic effect of ion clusters

  27. 岩浆去气作用碳硫同位素效应

    Effects of magma degassing on the carbon and sulfur isotope compositions of igneous rocks

  28. 结果表明,带内电子性作用比带间电子性作用对同位素效应指数的影响要大。

    Intraband electronic interaction has bigger influence on isotope effect than interband electronic interaction .

  29. 多醚萃取体系中锂的同位素效应&盐浓效应

    Lithium isotope effect in the extraction systems of polyethers & effect of salt concentration

  30. 介绍了金属&氢系统中氢同位素效应,综述了利用金属氢化物分离氢同位素的主要方法(包括气相色谱法、变压吸附法、变温吸附法和多级串联法)及其最新进展。

    In this paper , the hydrogen isotope effects in metal-hydrogen systems are in -