
  1. 与传统的办公环境不同,合伙办公的人员通常受雇于不同的机构。

    Unlike in a typical office environment , those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization .

  2. 明亮、宽敞、整洁的办公环境,有助于提高员工的工作热情

    The bright , wide , neat office environment , It 's help to Increase the staff 's working fervency .

  3. 保持办公环境的整洁,尤其是你的桌子。

    Keep your office space looking good , particularly your desk

  4. 完全安静的办公环境会产生过大压力,会让员工感觉孤单。以至于当这种安静被电话铃声打破之时,所有员工都会放下手中的工作偷听这通来电。

    It may make workers feel lonely and , on the rare occasions when the silence was shattered by the telephone , all the workers would down pens to eavesdrop on the conversation .

  5. 本文根据办公环境的工作特点提出了采用Lotusnotes/Domino群件平台是实现以数据库、网络为中心的办公自动化系统行之有效的手段

    According to the working characteristics in offices , it is an effective way to achieve office automation with the flat roof in Lotus Notes / Domino

  6. 随着软硬件技术的发展,特别是Internet的迅速普及,工作流技术已经从传统部门办公环境,扩展到多个部门之间协作的办公环境中,为业务活动的运行和部门应用的集成提供支持。

    Workflow technology , with the development of software and hardware especially the spread of Internet , expands from traditional office work to multi-department cooperation working , and provides supporting of business running and department application integration .

  7. 一般情况下,阅读本文的开发人员所使用的计算机应该提供足够的CPU周期和内存,以便快速地映射典型的办公环境。

    The typical computer used by developers reading this article should provide enough CPU cycles and memory to map a typical office environment in two shakes of a lamb 's tail .

  8. 法国电信新任CEOStéphaneRichard准备大举革新经营战略,办公环境也待旧貌换新颜;

    St é phane Richard , the new boss of France Telecom , wants to overhaul its strategy as well as its offices ;

  9. 本文提出的IP无绳电话系统结合了IP电话和数字无绳电话的功能,为家庭和小型办公环境提供了一种方便快捷,价格便宜的通信解决方案。

    This paper proposed an IP Cordless Telephone system which combines the functions of IP and Digital Cordless Telephone to support the communication solution scheme of SOHO ( Small Office and Home Office ) environment that employs the advantages of convenience and low price .

  10. 特别是基于WEB的计算机应用系统在企业、政府、部队的内部办公环境中,发挥着越来越重要的辅助作用,并逐渐成为计算机应用系统的主要发展方向。

    One thing we should notice is that the WEB-based computer application system , used in the internal environment of enterprises , the governments and the army , has been playing a more and more important role , and has become the main development trend of the computer application system .

  11. 根据办公环境的工作特点提出了采用LotusDomino/Notes技术建立校园办公自动化系统的方案.介绍了校园公自动化系统的开发、系统功能设计、主要技术实现方法。

    This paper , according to features of office environment , proposes solution to campus office automation based on Lotus Notes / Domino , and introduce development , system function design and key technical method of campus office automation .

  12. 在阐述5S管理的来源和含义基础上,介绍了怎样将其应用于高校办公室管理,从而充分发挥高校办公室的功用,有利于构建以人为本的和谐办公环境。

    5S administration and discusses its application to department office administration in colleges and universities . With the application of 5S administration , the department office can perform its functions fully , which may facilitate the construction of human-oriented and harmonious office circumstances .

  13. 浅谈普通办公环境下计算机数据备份

    Plain discussion of data backup of computer under common work environment

  14. 未来办公环境的咨询和建议。

    To offer information and advise on your future office image .

  15. 装饰一下,保持整洁专业的办公环境。

    Spruce up and maintain a clean and professional work area .

  16. 欧美斯办公环境充分利用空间。

    And make full use of space , office environment .

  17. 时常的设计,靓丽的颜色为您的办公环境添彩。

    Fashionable design and color that compliments your work environment .

  18. 不仅提高了管理效率、提高时效性、改善办公环境,而且极大的降低了管理成本。

    The management efficiency and official environment are improved with lower cost .

  19. 哪个公司的办公环境你最喜欢呢?

    Which office enviroment would you prefer to work for : Google ?

  20. 办公环境是很脆弱的。

    An office space is a fragile work environment .

  21. 办公环境是我们公司的形象。

    Office environment is the image of our company .

  22. 完全安静的办公环境会产生过大压力,会让员工感觉孤单。

    Almost complete silence in office is unhealthily stressful .

  23. 光泽度低的特点使印刷系列产品还能改善办公环境。

    Low gloss levels are also available to reduce glare in office environments .

  24. 什麽是您的家庭和办公环境呢?

    What is your home and office environment like ?

  25. 2.放置一盆绿色植物为办公环境增添一点绿色。

    Step 2 Green your workspace with a houseplant .

  26. 现代办公环境下的项目管理工作

    Discussion on Project Management Under Modern Office Conditions

  27. 其中云桌面技术就是基于云计算的一种虚拟化桌面办公环境。

    Cloud Desktop technology is a virtualized desktop office environment based on cloud computing .

  28. 我对你为我们办公环境作的设计非常满意。

    I 'm so pleased with the plans you created for my new office space .

  29. 办公环境快节奏、有趣并且可以激发创意。

    The environment was one which was fast paced , fun , and intellectually stimulating .

  30. 保持办公环境整洁,没有垃圾。

    Keep your workspace tidy and clutter-free .