
  • 网络office expenses
  1. 此项开支是否该列在办公费项下?

    Does this item of expenditure belong under the head of office expenses ?

  2. 他把电话费用作为办公费记下。

    He put the telephone bill down as a business cost .

  3. 所谓管理费,就是合作社干部的补贴和办公费。

    They consist of allowances to cadres of co-operatives plus administrative expenses .

  4. 这些包括间接原材料和间接劳动诸如物料;取暖与照明,保养与修理,折旧与保险,税金,租金,广告与运输费,还有办公费、法律费、以及照管房屋清洁服务的费用。

    These include indirect materials and indirect labor & such as supplies , heat and light , maintenance and repairs , depreciation and insurance , taxes , rent , advertising and transportation , as well as clerical , legal and janitorial services .

  5. 直接管理费用包括实施托管所直接相关的差旅费、办公用品费等。

    The direct management expenses include the travel expenses and office appliances fees directly relating to the implementation of the trust .