
  • 网络Real Estate Project Financing
  1. 文章在阐述房地产项目融资风险构成及其分配原则的基础上,确定了房地产项目融资项目各参与方的风险承担关系,最后提出房地产项目融资风险的主要管理措施。

    Based on the expatiation upon the composing and distribution principle of real estate project financing risk , this paper ascertains the risk relation for every participator , and then puts forward the main administrant measures of real estate project financing risk .

  2. 第2章是项目融资理论,从经济学的角度阐述了资本成本、资本结构与项目融资筹划的关系以及房地产项目融资。

    Chapter 2 introduces the capital structure and capital theory , and the relationship of them and real estate project financing from the perspective of economics .

  3. 资产证券化(ABS)在大型房地产项目融资中的应用

    Application of asset-backed securitization to financing of large-scale real estate project

  4. AHP法在房地产项目融资方案优选中的应用

    Application in the Real Estate Project ′ s Optimization of Financing Scheme by AHP

  5. AHP与模糊综合评价相结合的商业房地产项目融资风险评价

    Use AHP and Fuzzy Comprehensive to Appraise the Project Financing Risk of Commercial Real Estate

  6. 商业房地产项目融资风险的模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Comprehensive Appraisal of Financing Risk in Commercial Real Estate

  7. 房地产项目融资渠道拓展及资产证券化研究

    Researches on Development of Financing Channels of Real Estate Projects and Asset-backed Securitization

  8. 大型房地产项目融资结构设计

    Financing Framework of Large Real Estate Projects

  9. 其中售后回租融资模式是本人根据实践和筹资理论创新出来的一种房地产项目融资模式,在实践中已经得到应用。

    The sales and leaseback financing mode is on the basis of my financing theory , and has been used in practice .

  10. 提出了建立资金结算体系、房地产项目融资管理体系及资金管理风险控制体系三方面措施。

    Proposed the establishment of fund settlement system , real estate , project finance and fund management system , risk management control system , three-pronged .

  11. 地方政府债务增加是造成国内总体债务水平上升的主要原因,地方政府因大量举债为基础设施和房地产项目融资而经常深陷债务困境。

    Local governments have been among the big drivers of debt , borrowing heavily to finance infrastructure and real-estate projects that are frequently mired in debt .

  12. 目前我国商业房地产项目融资过分依赖银行贷款,资金来源单一,无法满足商业房地产业的发展,从而在客观上提出要开发新的融资工具的要求。

    However , the business real estate project indeed with the bank loan is the main financing tool , which has become unsuitable for the development of business real estate .

  13. HKW房地产项目投融资决策

    Decision-making of HKW Real Estate Project Investment and Financing

  14. 房地产投资项目融资风险的灰色模糊评判研究

    The Grey Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of Financing Risk in Real Estate Investment

  15. 期权的应用与房地产项目投融资探析

    A Probe into the Applications of Option , Investment and Financing of Real Estate Projects

  16. 因此,对房地产项目债券融资的研究,具有重大的现实意义。

    So the study on real estate project security financing is of great actual practical significances .

  17. 专注于公司融资、房地产、项目融资、重大基础设施建设领域;

    Focused on Corporate finance , Real Estate , Project finance and infrastructure such as BOT .

  18. 然后对房地产项目信托融资方式创新,在具体实践和应用中的配套条件进行分析。

    And the trust of the mode of financing real estate projects and innovation in the concrete practice and application of the matching conditions for analysis .

  19. 房地产项目债券融资的应用研究

    The Study Of The Application On Real Estate Project Financing Bonds & Taking Anxi Electric Power Real Estate Corporation Project Financing 's Tactics As An Example

  20. 同时对项目信托融资方式创新,在具体实践和应用中的配套条件进行分析。最后得出结论:房地产项目信托融资方式创新有利于大众投资者、房地产业、信托业及证券业的发展;

    Finally , it draws the conclusion : the innovation of real estate projects trust financing means is favorable to the development of mass investors , real estate industry , trust industry and securities development ;

  21. 房地产投资项目融资计划中必须明确筹资原则以及如何估算融资额度,融资渠道包含自有资金、银行信贷资金、社会集资以及预收定金和购房款。

    Real estate financing plans should have clear fundraising principles and financing quotas calculation . Financing channels include own capital , credit from bank , pooling social capital , collecting earnest in advance , and fund from selling real estate .

  22. 房地产企业开发项目融资结构优化研究

    Research on the Financing Structure Optimization of Real Estate Enterprises Project Development

  23. 为应对2009年和2010年的全球金融危机,中国国内银行加大了对基础设施、房地产和工业项目的融资力度,导致中国债务水平激增。

    The sharp rise in debt occurred when China began to combat the global financial crisis in 2009 and 2010 , and banks ramped up funding of infrastructure , real estate and industrial projects .

  24. 因此,探索房地产商业项目现有的融资模式,促进多种资本进入房地产商业项目开发中,已经不仅仅是理论研究的课题,更是我国房地产市场发展的需要。

    Therefore , find out new financing models of the real estate business projects , promote a variety of capital into the real estate business project development , have not only theoretical research topics , but also the needs of the development of Chinese real estate market .

  25. 保障房与商品房是对应的,因此本文首先分析了我国一般的房地产,包括我国房地产项目开发融资的主要方式和适用性,为保障房融资方式提供了一定的参考作用。

    So the article first analyzes the general real estate , including real estate project development main financing methods and so forth , to provide some reference for indemnificatory housing financing .

  26. 第四章为房地产开发融资模式创新,主要是结合国外成熟房地产市场的融资模式,提出拓展房地产开发融资渠道的对策,同时对房地产项目融资的证券化进行初步研究。

    The Chapter Four discusses the innovation of the financing mode of the development of real estate and makes the initial study of the stock form of the credit of the development of real estate .