
  1. 我国房地产开发成本控制研究

    Study on the Cost Control of Our Country 's Real Estate Development

  2. 有效控制房地产开发成本

    Effectively Controlling Developing Cost of Real Estate

  3. 文章应用解释结构模型,分析了影响房地产开发成本的五种主要因素,从成本角度剖析了房地产行业的实际利润水平。

    The paper uses the explanation structure model to analyse five main factors influencing the developing cost of real estate , and discusses the actual level of the profit in real estate industry from cost direction .

  4. 本文的不足之处:(1)将房地产项目开发成本控制研究成果及理论方法具体应用到XX住宅小区开发项目,存在一定程度上的误差,需要进一步的调整和修改。

    The shortage is as follows : ( 1 ) the real estate project development cost control research and theoretical methods applied to the light of specific beauty county residential area development projects includes a certain degree of error , and we need for further adjustments and amendments .

  5. 房地产开发企业成本控制的几点实践

    Some Practice of the Cost Control of the Real Estate Development Enterprises

  6. 设计阶段住宅房地产开发项目成本控制研究

    The Cost Control Study in Design Phase of Real Estate Development Project

  7. 而税负作为企业的一项支出,其轻重将直接影响房地产开发企业成本的高低。

    The tax burden will affect the cost of the real estate companies .

  8. 对上述关键节点进行分析与研究,将直接影响到房地产开发的成本与效益。

    Carries on the analysis and the research to the above essential node , immediate influence to property development cost and benefit .

  9. 本文就目前我国房地产开发企业成本管理中存在的问题进行分析,提出具体对策。

    In the paper , put forward some specific countermeasures by analyzing problems existed in cost management of our country realty development business .

  10. 房地产开发的成本主要由拿地、规划、施工、销售等关键节点决定。

    Property development 's cost mainly by takes , the plan , the construction , the sale and so on essential node decision .

  11. 根据土地增值税与房地产开发项目成本、利润、价格的关系,分析了土地增值税预征清缴对房地产开发的影响,并从企业、政府方面提出了建议。

    As one of the means , national tax administration bureau and related departments released the notice in concerning that strengthens real estate land increment tax .

  12. 最后提出房地产开发项目成本控制对策:加强成本控制,必须建立起系统的成本管理系统。

    Finally the countermeasure of cost control in the real estate enterprise is proposed . It must set up systematic cost administrative system to strengthen cost management .

  13. 二是通过实证分析,为改善房地产开发项目成本管理提供了新的思路、方法和对策建议。

    Two is through empirical analysis , provide some new ideas , methods and countermeasure suggestion to improve the development of real estate project in cost management .

  14. 通过理论结合实践得到了本文的第一个核心内容,什么是科学的房地产开发企业成本管理。

    The first center content of the article , which is based on the combination of theory and practice , is what the scientific cost management is .

  15. 当前在房地产开发项目成本控制中,多数房地产企业只注重建设期间的一次性投资,而较少考虑项目寿命周期全过程的成本。

    But during the costing control , most of the real estate project are only paid more attention to the instant invest while the LCC is usually ignored .

  16. 在此基础上,以房地产开发项目成本控制的过程为线索,对鲁能·星城一期项目从决策、设计、招投标、施工到竣工结算全过程成本控制的方法进行了讨论。

    On the basis , the means of cost control of Celebrity City is discussed from its decision-making , design , bidding , and construction to final balancing .

  17. 以问卷调查的形式,分析了房地产开发企业成本管理的实践现状,总结出房地产开发企业成本管理的特点、难点、误区等。

    Through questionnaire survey , the author analyzes the current cost management situation of real estate developing enterprises , making a summary of its features , difficulty and misunderstandings .

  18. 最后在上述理论分析和实践研究的基础上扩展一般跨区域房地产开发实现成本有效控制的要点。

    Finally , based on the theoretical studies and the practical studies , this article concludes on the key success factors of the cost control of cross-regional multiple-project real estate development .

  19. 房地产开发企业成本构成中,一般建筑材料占全部工程费用的60%以上,材料质量的好坏,又将直接影响到工程质量的成败。

    In the total project costs of the real estate development enterprise , 60 % is spent on the ordinary building materials , whose quality will directly affect the quality of the project .

  20. 工程项目成本管理是房地产开发项目成本管理的核心,其实施阶段工程成本管理更是其基础和关键。

    The engineering project cost management is the core of the cost management in real estate development project , and its project cost mangement of implementation phase is especially the basic and key .

  21. 本文应用房地产开发项目成本管理的研究成果和理论方法对S项目的成本管理进行了分析、研究,并根据项目的实际情况作了一定的调整与创新。

    In this paper analyzed the project S in cost management by using results of theoretical method of real estate development project in cost management research , and had some adjustment and innovation according to the actual situation of the project .

  22. 同时,国内房地产开发的成本管理总的来说还比较落后,项目成本监控实际操作水平还不是很理想,房地产开发成本迫切需要科学的管理和有效地控制。

    Meanwhile , the domestic real estate development cost management in general is still relatively backward , and the practical level of project cost control is not satisfactory . So the cost of real estate development urgently needs scientific management and effective control .

  23. 房地产开发企业成本管理的效果直接关系到企业的经济效益,通过成本管理可以减少和杜绝企业中的浪费现象,节约有限的社会和经济资源。

    The effect of the cost management of real estate development enterprises is directly related to its economic efficiency . Waste in enterprises can be reduced and eliminated effectively through cost management , which does good to the conservation of limited social and economic resources .

  24. 本文主要研究内容是从房地产开发企业成本控制现状和入世后企业所面临的挑战出发,进一步研究房地产企业在各开发阶段的成本管理和控制。

    According to the present condition of cost control of the real estate exploring corporations and of the challenge with other corporations after China joining into WTO , the paper is mainly studying the management and cost control of the procedures of the real estate exploring .

  25. 通过对S项目成本管理的实证研究,构建了项目开发的成本管理体系,理清了成本管理的思路,并提出了一些优化建议,为加强房地产开发项目成本管理提供了借鉴与参考。

    Through the research of project S in cost management , construct the system of project development in cost management , made clear thinking of cost management , and provide some optimization proposals , and offer reference on how to strengthening real estate development project in cost management .

  26. 本文通过对青白江怡家房地产项目开发成本控制全过程的回顾,讨论了房地产项目从决策、设计、招投标、施工到竣工全过程成本控制的理论和方法。

    This article is a retrospection of the full developing and construction course of Yi jia ( A real estate project at Qinbeijiang ), theory and means of cost control in decision making , design , bidding , construction and finishing of the project are all discussed in the article .

  27. 最后,为SL项目的成本控制管理提出了若干建议作为保障,如在房地产开发项目的成本管理中应引入战略成本管理理念、加强员工职业道德建设等。

    Finally , several suggestions are presented for cost control of SL development project , such as enhancing vocation morality construction of the staffs .

  28. 勘察设计和工程施工对房地产开发项目的成本费用影响较大。

    Design stage and construction stage deeply influence the cost of real estate project .

  29. 将作业成本法引入房地产开发项目的成本核算、管理与控制,理论上是可行的,实施的关键是找准成本动因。

    Introducing the Activity-Based cost ( ABC for short ) into real estate project is feasible both in cost accounting and management theories .

  30. 周福良担心,随着房地产的开发建筑成本大幅上涨,开发商降价简直是在饮鸩止渴。

    Zhou Liang worried that with the development of real estate construction costs rise , developers in the price is drinking poison to quench thirst .