
  1. 谨慎原则在住宅抵押估价中的应用是抵押权人、抵押人、房地产评估机构三者合作博弈行为的结果。

    Conservatism concept as an application result that the mortgagor , mortgagee and real estate evaluation agency play cooperative game in the housing mortgage value evaluation .

  2. 国内的房地产评估机构由于起步晚,企业规模普遍不大,抗风险能力较弱,对于评估风险的研究也很单一。

    Due to domestic real estate appraisal industry start late , the generally scale of company is not big , anti-risk capability is weak . The study for the risk of assessment is relatively single .

  3. 剖析了目前房地产评估机构存在的各种问题,并就改制后房地产评估企业的发展进行了探讨,提出了切实可行的建设性意见。

    By analyzing the existing problems in the real estate assessment organizations , the author makes a serious study about the development of real estate assessment business reformed , and puts forward some feasible constructive suggestions .