
  1. 在房地产市场管理层面,主要是法律不健全,行业自律性较差。

    In the management , the question existed were the imperfectness of the relative law and weak self-discipline among developers .

  2. 第一部分,房地产市场营销管理的理论阐释。

    The first part is about the theory of marketing management for estate .

  3. 房地产市场营销管理一般包括市场调查、项目定位、推广策划、销售执行等,一方面营销过程的分析、计划、组织和控制,缺一不可。

    The real estate marketing management generally includes market survey , project orientation , spreading plan , sales executing and so on .

  4. 从而找到控制和降低成本的途径和方法,进而从根源上找出导致住宅价格居高不下的原因,为政府对房地产市场的管理调控提供一定的依据。

    To find ways and means to control and reduce cost . And then finding out the root causes of the high housing prices .

  5. 业务管理、业务职能管理、信息门户管理、安全管理是房地产市场信息管理业务中的重要组成部分。

    Business management , business management functions , information portal management , security management are the important parts of information management business in the real estate market .

  6. 本文主要针对房地产市场信息管理业务进行分析,围绕房地产市场业务开发的一套应用软件系统。

    In this paper , it analyzes the real estate market information management for business , around business development of the real estate market ; it develops a set of application software systems .

  7. 房地产市场信息管理系统充分发挥了网络资源进行房地产市场信息管理的优势,既经济又方便,提高了房地产市场信息管理的效率和水平。

    The real estate market information management system give full play to the network resources for the real estate market information management advantages , and it is convenient and economical , and it improves efficiency and level of the real estate market information management .

  8. 本系统的应用对于规范房地产市场运作和管理具有一定的现实意义。

    The application of this system to regulate the real estate market operation and management have some practical significance .

  9. 房屋租赁登记备案制度,是国家为了加强对房地产租赁市场的管理而设立的。

    House tenancy register records system is designed by the state to strengthen the administration of the real estate tenancy market .

  10. 他的解决方案在最坏的情况下抵达房地产市场:那些管理者知道,如果空白支票填好,他们就会丢掉饭碗,因此他们收紧信贷,提高抵押贷款成本,减少抵押贷款供应。

    His solution landed the housing market in the worst of all worlds : their managements knew that if the blank cheques were filled out they would lose their jobs , so they retrenched and made mortgages more expensive and less available .

  11. 河北天成企业集团是一家集实业投资、商业地产和住宅房地产开发以及市场经营管理为一体的专业化商业集团。

    Hebei Tiancheng Enterprise Group is a professional business group , which includes investment , commercial & residential real estate development and marketing management .

  12. 文章通过对房地产市场信息透明化管理的分析,提出了土地成本公布的几点疑问以及对土地市场规范发展的影响;

    On the basic of analyzing transparent management of real estate market information , the paper questions the public releasing of land cost in China and discusses its influence on land market standardizing development .

  13. 在论文第二章,笔者分别从开发商、中介公司、借款人、项目本身、房地产市场、银行内部管理以及宏观环境等七个方面详细分析了个人房产按揭贷款风险的原因。

    Chapter 2 analyzes the causes of risks of the business from the perspectives of property developers , market intermediary , borrower , guarantee mechanism , real-estate market , internal risk control within banks and regulatory and legal environment .

  14. 本文介绍了商品房预售管理信息系统的结构、主要功能、技术特点,以及该系统对房地产市场管理所起的作用。

    This paper introduces the system structure , major function , technique features and effect in the real estate market management .

  15. 房地产作为支柱产业与国民经济之间具有复杂的相互作用,政府对房地产市场的管理与调控是一项复杂的系统工程。

    As a pillar industry , real estate has a very complex interaction with the national economy . Management and regulation of the real estate market is a complex systems engineering .

  16. 因此,必须在经济全球化过程中提高本土房地产企业的核心竞争力并获得较大的市场份额,建立完善的房地产市场调控和管理体制。

    Thus it is necessary to increase the core competitive power of the native enterprises to obtain a larger market tranche , to build up its system of market adjust and control , and management during the economic globalization .