
  1. 房地产抵押登记的种类。

    Second , the types of register of real estate mortgage .

  2. 办理房地产抵押登记需提供哪些资料?

    Is conduction estate guaranty registered need what to data provide ?

  3. 我国房地产抵押登记现状之分析。

    Third , the operation of register of real estate mortgage in our country .

  4. 文章主要论述了以下几方面的问题:一、房地产抵押登记基本概述。

    It mainly deals with these issues as follows . First , the conception and legal value of register of real estate mortgage .

  5. 第三,在比较分析三种基本的抵押登记制度和登记效力的基础上,提出了完善房地产抵押登记制度应注意解决的问题。

    The third , advances the issues which should be paid attention to solve on the basis of analysing three types of basic mortgage registration systems and registration force .

  6. 由于各种原因,房地产抵押及抵押登记产生的问题为数不少,因此,研究房地产抵押中的一些问题是十分有益和必要的。

    For various reasons , real estate mortgage and its registration create huge numbers of questions .

  7. 内容涉及:房地产抵押权、房地产抵押种类及法律原则,房地产抵押登记及实操、房地产抵押法律风险及防范,同时论及了房地产抵押合同与抵押权的设定关系。

    It contains : the right of real estate mortgage , mortgage category and legal principles , registration and actual operation , legal risk and precaution in the real estate mortgage field . Meanwhile , this article touches up the relation of Mortgage Contract and Creation of Right to Mortgage .