
  1. 生产与资本的国际化是世界经济发展的必然趋势。

    The internationalization of production and investment is the inexorable developmental trend of the world economy .

  2. 第二次世界大战结束后,跨国公司的兴起与发展,使生产与资本走向国际化。

    After world war ⅱ, with the rise and development of transnational corporation , Production and capital have been widely internationalized .

  3. 这实质上是国际资本跨国间的自由流动,这是生产国际化和资本国际化的必然要求,也是全球经济一体化的必然结果。

    Its essence is that international capital can flow from one country to others freely . It is an inevitable demand of the internationalization of producing and capital ; also it is an inevitable outcome of the globalization of economic .

  4. 证券市场国际化是20世纪80年代以来世界金融市场的一大发展趋势,是生产国际化和资本国际化发展的必然结果,也是国际融资证券化趋势的必然要求。

    The internationalization on security market is a great development trend of the world financial market since 1980.This is not only the inevitable outcome of the development of the production internationalization and capital internationalization , but also the objective requirement of the securitization of international financing .