
Did our Program Managers co-ordinate our program partners , other NGOs , and other student associations in order to achieve common goals ? Yes .
As the stock market dove to uncharted depths , I couldn 't help thinking of private colleges , mission agencies , and other nonprofits , all of which depend heavily on the largesse of donors .
In the handling of the brand relations , we need to set up a special public relations department that responsible for coordinating relations of the donors , clients , governments , enterprises , the media and other non-profit organizations .
The Shanghai Youth development foundation has been chosen as the model for the research by this article . And the Shanghai Youth development foundation will also be the development reference for the other NPO in China through the mechanism of strategic management analysis .
Graduates find employment with government agencies , community activity centers , churches , and other non-profit organizations that serve the elderly .
The taxation circumstances of NPO in other countries and areas have been studied ;