
  1. 我们的项目经理是否协调项目合作伙伴、其他非营利组织以及其他学生社团,以达成共同的目标?是的。

    Did our Program Managers co-ordinate our program partners , other NGOs , and other student associations in order to achieve common goals ? Yes .

  2. 当股票市场坠入未知的深渊,我不由自主地想起私立大学、宣教机构、以及其他非营利组织,它们都极其倚重捐助人的慷慨解囊。

    As the stock market dove to uncharted depths , I couldn 't help thinking of private colleges , mission agencies , and other nonprofits , all of which depend heavily on the largesse of donors .

  3. 在品牌关系的处理上,需要设立专门的公共关系部,负责同捐赠者、服务对象、政府、企业、新闻媒介以及其他非营利组织进行关系协调。

    In the handling of the brand relations , we need to set up a special public relations department that responsible for coordinating relations of the donors , clients , governments , enterprises , the media and other non-profit organizations .

  4. 本文选择以上海市青少年发展基金会为研究典范,试图通过对该基金会战略管理机制构建的论述,为中国其他非营利组织的发展提供借鉴。

    The Shanghai Youth development foundation has been chosen as the model for the research by this article . And the Shanghai Youth development foundation will also be the development reference for the other NPO in China through the mechanism of strategic management analysis .

  5. 毕业生在政府部门,社区活动中心,教堂和其他非营利的组织找到服务老年人的工作。

    Graduates find employment with government agencies , community activity centers , churches , and other non-profit organizations that serve the elderly .

  6. 研究了其他国家和地区非营利组织税收情况;分析了我国非营利组织的税收情况及税收政策存在的问题;

    The taxation circumstances of NPO in other countries and areas have been studied ;