
  1. 对社会保障资金管理绩效和安全性的追求,必然会引发对其管理层次问题的关注。

    The target of efficiency and safety of social security arouses large concern about its administrative levels .

  2. 如何构建基本社会保障资金管理和运作模式是基本社会保障制度的核心内容。

    It is the key content of the basic social security system how to structure basic social security fund management and operation mode .

  3. 我国社会保障资金管理混乱,转移支付水平极低,且滞后于经济增长,社会保障转移支付需求与供给缺口越来越大。

    Transfer payment is extremely low and lagged far behind economic growth . Gap between demand and supply of transfer payment are enlarged .

  4. 结合今年《减持国有股筹集社会保障资金管理暂行办法》的实施及市场反应,笔者对此进行了反思并提出个人的建议。

    The author reflected on " the temporary management methods of reducing the state-owned shares and raising the social security funds " and put forward his own suggestions .

  5. 同时,对地方政府关于社会保障资金的管理和公共设施建设资金筹集运营提出看法。

    At the same time , the local government on social security fund management and operation of public facilities construction funds views .

  6. 潍坊滨海经济开发区财政社会保障资金审批支付管理系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of the Financial Management System for Payment of Social Security Fund for Weifang Binhai Development Area

  7. 在资金运动的过程管理中,还需考虑社会保障资金的风险管理与社会保障资金的监督管理。

    During the management of funds moving , risk management and supervision of social security funds management should also be considered .

  8. 中国农村社会保障资金的筹集和管理研究

    Raising and management of rural social security funds in China

  9. 为健全社会保障制度,加强对社会保障资金的管理,必须建立社会保障预算。

    Therefore , it is necessary to establish the social security budget in order to perfect the system of social security and strengthen the management of social security funds .

  10. 为了进一步完善、健全社会保障体系,解决当前和今后社会保障资金来源和管理体制问题,开征社会保障税已成为当务之急。

    In order to further improve and perfect the social security system and solve the sources and management system of social security funds at current and future , the introduction of social security tax has become an urgent task .

  11. 如何突破这个瓶颈问题,更好地完善、健全社会保障体系,解决当前和今后社会保障资金来源和管理体制问题,保证社会保障有必要的资金是本文的主要研究目的。

    How to break through the bottleneck problem , consummate the social security system , solve the capital source of the social security and management system problem at present and in the future , guarantee the social security with necessary fund is a main research purpose of this article .

  12. 开源节流,构建社会保障筹资新机制,是筹集社会保障资金,加强资金管理与监督,推进社会保障制度改革的重要内容。

    Increasing income and reducing expenditure and establish new mechanism of social security & raising money are very important for strengthening fund management and supervision and pushing forward the reform of social security system .

  13. 但迄今为止,全国统一的社会保障体系尚未形成,作为社会保障体系基础和核心环节的社会保障资金在筹措、管理及使用等方面还存在许多不完善和不规范的地方。

    Nevertheless , nation-wide social security system is still subject to establishment , and as the base and core of social security system , social security funds needs further improvements and standardization in aspects as collection , management and utilization .

  14. 社会保障预算是政府介入社会保障事务,进行国民经济宏观调控,规范、加强社会保障资金管理的重要工具。

    Social security budget is an important tool that the government involves in the social security business , carries on the national economy macro regulation , controls and strengthens the management of social security fund .