
  • 网络Great Wall;juyong pass
  1. 军事关卡位于长城的关键地段。比如我们今天参观的居庸关就是一例。

    Military passes such as Juyong pass , the one we are visiting today , are located at important sections of the great wall .

  2. 具体分为登居庸关长城活动、文化展示与交流、文艺表演与颁奖三个阶段。

    The evening included three parts : climbing the Juyong Pass of the Great Wall , Cultural highlight and communication , variety show and awarding ceremony .

  3. 居庸关回鹘文功德记所见uday考

    Note on uday seen in the Uighur Inscription at the Ju-yong Pass

  4. 明长城居庸关研究

    The Research of Ju Yong Guanin in the GreatWall of Ming Dynasty

  5. 不同温压条件下居庸关花岗岩脆塑性转化与失稳型式的实验研究

    Experiments of Brittle-Plastic Transition , Modes of Instability of Juyongguan Granite at Different T-P Condition

  6. 2007年世界艾滋病日即将到来,联合国艾滋病规划署和中国红十字会正在联合策划组织一次居庸关长城健走活动。

    With the approaching of the2007 World AIDS Day , UNAIDS and China Red Cross Foundation is planning to organize a joint project " The Great AIDS Walk " at Juyongguan Great Wall .

  7. 该地点位于北京居庸关长城附近,因作为3月底、4月初摄拍摄花海的一个绝佳去处而众所周知。

    The place , near Juyongguan Pass of the Great Wall in Beijing , is well known as a great site for photography for its sea of flowers at the end of March and early April .

  8. 不像它的前辈——长城音乐节(每年5月在居庸关举办的综合舞曲大会)——阴阳音乐节附近几乎没有固定商贩。

    Unlike its predecessor , the Great Wall Music Festival ( an eclectic mix of dance music at the Juyong pass in Beijing each May ) , there are few , if any , established vendors nearby .

  9. 其中,北京居庸关降雪量达到21.8毫米,怀柔18.5毫米。河北、天津等地局部地区出现大于10毫米的降雪。

    Later in the week , temperatures in the north was forecasted to plummet to minus 20 to 32 degrees Celsius , while areas along the Yellow and Huaihe rivers are expected to drop to minus 10 to 18 degrees Celsius .

  10. 居庸关村村民委员会的一名负责人表示,在清明节前夕,游客的数量与去年相比已增加了几倍。他还补充说道,仅3月27日就有大约1000名游客前来参观。

    The number of tourists has increased by several times on the eve of Tomb-sweeping Day holiday compared with last year , said an employee in Juyongguan village committee , adding that there were about 1000 tourists on March 27 alone .

  11. 1644年初,李自成率领大顺军从西安出发,经过大同,宣化,进入居庸关,包围北京城,守城的明军投降,崇祯帝自杀。

    In the early 1644 , he commanded the Great Shun Army to start from Xi , an , go through Datong and Xuanhua , enter Juyong Gate and enclose Beijing . The soldiers guarded the city gave in . Emperor Chongzhen committed suicide .