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  1. 叶培建表示,目前,科学家们已经开始对包括通讯、着陆的可能性以及火星极端环境的处理进行着各项技术准备。

    At present , scientists have started making technological preparations for communications , possible landing on the Mars , and how to deal with the planet 's extreme environment , he said .

  2. 叶培建还透露,尽管有许多不同之处,但是我国火星探测器的大小和结构,与我国于2013年发射的第一个月球着陆器嫦娥三号相似。

    The size and structure of the Mars probe will be similar to Chang'e-3 , China 's first lunar lander that was launched in 2013 , though there are many differences , he said .

  3. 该探测器预计将飞行7-10个月,于2021年到达火星。叶培建委员是在上周五全国政协会议期间透露这一消息的。

    The probe is expected to reach Mars in 2021 after a flight of seven to ten months , he said on Friday during the annual session of the national political advisory body in Beijing .

  4. 据中国航天科技集团公司第五研究院专家叶培建表示,嫦娥五号探测器是由轨道器、返回器、上升器、着陆器等多个部分组成。

    According to Ye Peijian , an expert with the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation Fifth Research Academy , Chang'e-5 will consist of the orbiter , the return vehicle , the ascender and the lander .

  5. 中国领先航空航天专家、项目顾问叶培建表示,2020年实施的这项任务,将在海南文昌航空发射中心发射的长征5号运载火箭上完成。

    According to Ye Peijian , one of China 's leading aerospace experts and a consultant to the program , the 2020 mission will be launched on a Long March-5 carrier rocket from the Wenchang space launch center in south China 's Hainan province .

  6. 近日,全国政协委员、顶级空间科学家叶培建透露,在2011年与俄罗斯的联合任务失败之后,我国计划于2020年发射火星探测器,对火星开展独立探索。

    China is planning to launch a Mars probe in the year 2020 to carry out an independent exploration of the Red Planet after a joint mission with Russia failed in 2011 , said Ye Peijian , a top space scientist and national political adviser .