
  • 网络conflict process;collision course
  1. 具体论述了目标冲突过程中TCAS的交通咨询和决策咨询。

    Traffic advisory and resolution advisory were presented concretely in the conflict process .

  2. Lee与Kwon在2001年提出认知冲突过程模型,这个模型分成三个阶段:分别为预备阶段、经历冲突阶段与冲突解决阶段。

    Lee et al . ( 2001 ) proposed a cognitive conflict process model to explain cognitive conflicts , which consists of three stages : the preliminary stage , the cognitive conflicts stage and the stage of resolution of cognitive conflicts .

  3. 提出了一个基于知识异质性的知识冲突过程模型。

    It advances a model of knowledge conflict process based on knowledge heterogeneity .

  4. 冲突过程是一种动态现象。

    The conflict process is a dynamic phenomenon .

  5. 利益衡量是解决基因权之权利冲突过程中的基本策略。

    Balance of interests should be the fundamental strategy for solving the conflicts of genetic right .

  6. 第三,将冲突过程观引入到该问题的研究中来。

    Third , the viewpoint that conflict is a process should be brought to the research .

  7. 线条透视与视差冲突过程中,被试大多采用线索优势策略。

    When linear perspective cue conflicted with discontinuity disparity , most of subjects used cue dominant strategy .

  8. 实现了资源冲突过程的动态提取,并采用基于优先级的调度策略实现了任务的调度。

    Achieve the dynamic picking-up the resource conflict process and schedule them based on the project 's priority .

  9. 对一些女人来说,职业和家庭在一个高风险的冲突过程上是互相抵触的。

    For many women , profession and family are pitted against one another on a high-stakes collision course .

  10. 这一冲突过程同时还交织着中国与西方消费观念、物质消费与精神消费、理性非理性消费行为之间的伦理冲突。

    This conflict interweaves in the conflict of consumption idea of China and the Western and material and spirit consumption .

  11. 旧与新的冲突过程中,企业劳动关系问题便不断爆发,可伤害却是把双刃剑。

    In the course of confliction between the old one and the new one , the issues of enterprise labour relations break out frequently with two-edged-sword harm .

  12. 书中写到了哈布斯堡王朝的君主们:在反反复复的冲突过程中,他们稳步地进行了过度的扩张,军力变得庞大,而经济基础日趋衰弱。

    He writes of the Habsburg monarchs : They steadily over-extended themselves in the course of repeated conflicts and became militarily top-heavy for their weakening economic base .

  13. 在防冲突过程中,读写器依据信干比动态调整发射功率,以减少信号覆盖区域的冗余,从而最小化多读写器冲突。

    In the anti-collision process , readers dynamically adjust their transmission power according to SIR , to reduce redundancy of their coverage area , and thereby minimize multi-reader collision .

  14. 指出,清末中西两种法律文化的冲突过程实际上也是中国对西方法律文化的引进与移植的过程。

    It is pointed out that conflicting between Chinese traditional legal culture and western legal culture in the late Qing dynasty is the process of introduction and transplantation of western legal cultures .

  15. 首先通过信息熵的形式将多信息器表示成多源信息,并将多源信息的信息冲突过程抽象成为信息博弈过程,多传感器系统通过信息博弈的过程实现整个系统的信息收益最大化。

    Expressing information quantity of multi-sensor with information entropy , the conflict course of multi-source information is abstracted to information game , in order to realize information entropy maximum of multi-sensor system for the whole system .

  16. 航空企业进行多型号项目管理,计划制定精细化程度低,并行执行过程中,多项目间优先级别难以准确界定,缺少资源冲突过程的动态发现与消解方法。

    During the aviation multi-project management in the aviation enterprises , the elaborate level of planning is low , and within the parallel execution process each priority of multi-project is difficulty to exactly demarcate and there is lack of methods to dynamically detect and eliminate the resource conflict .

  17. 他在终止冲突的过程中起了重要作用。

    He was instrumental in bringing about an end to the conflict .

  18. 为了有效地解决此问题,将TOC方法应用到设计问题的冲突确定过程中,为产品设计中冲突的确定提供一个新的途径。

    In order to solve this problem effectively , let the TOC ( theory of constraint ) method be applied to the course of conflict determination of designing issues . Thus provided a new way for the determination of conflict in product design .

  19. 因此,经济全球化是资本主义生产方式的必然延伸,这就从根本上决定了经济全球化的非均衡性,经济全球化也就必然是一个充满了矛盾和冲突的过程。

    So the globalized economy is the certain extension of the capitalist productive way .

  20. 中国人的自我认识以及它对于冲突解决过程中使用的交际策略的影响

    Chinese Perception of the Self and Its Impact on Conflict Management in Communication Strategies

  21. 这次冲突的过程是不知道的,然而它的结果确是必然的。

    The course of this conflict is not known , yet its outcome is certain .

  22. 人的道德成长是在不断解决道德冲突的过程中逐步实现的。

    Human beings ' moral development is gradually realized in the process of solving moral conflicts .

  23. 学术国际化的过程,是一个内含着价值和利益冲突的过程。

    It is inherently a conflict process of value and interests in the courses of academic internationalization .

  24. 实际上,乐观偏见和控制幻觉在导致冲突的过程中特别常见。

    Indeed , the optimistic bias and the illusion of control are particularly rampant in the run-up to conflict .

  25. 在此基础上,建立了协同设计中冲突消解过程模型,并给出了基于层次知识匹配的协同设计冲突消解流程。

    Further , conflict resolution process model of CCPI is established and hierarchical knowledge matching-based conflict resolution flow is presented .

  26. 他们经常处在冲突的过程中,因为他们以前的学习经历与他们现在所处的学习环境并不一致。

    They are often in a state of conflict because their previous learning experiences do not co their current learning environment .

  27. 首先,建立协同产品创新设计冲突消解过程模型,分析基于层次知识匹配的冲突消解流程;

    Conflict resolution process model of collaborative product creative design was established firstly , and hierarchical knowledge matching-based conflict resolution flow was analyzed .

  28. 我知道,贵所与国务院隔街相望的新楼将使我们能在共同建设和平与结束冲突的过程中进行更密切的合作。

    I know that your new building across the street will allow for even closer cooperation as we work together to build peace and end conflict .

  29. 第二部分论述了框架理论、框架与消息源、框架竞争以及国际冲突传播过程中的媒体传播策略等相关理论知识。

    The second chapter illustrates the theory of frame , frame and news sources , frame competing and theory of communication tactics in handling international conflicts .

  30. 在协调利益冲突的过程中,《劳动合同法》中承载核心价值的无固定期限劳动合同,其价值取向发生了矛盾。

    In the process of interest coordination , the value orientation of non-fixed-term labor contract which assumes the core value of " Labor Contract Law " is conflicting .