
  • 网络Stasi
  1. 德国侦探协会bdd表示,其协会成员都依据较高的法律标准行事,同时驳斥了那种认为私人调查者是史塔西再现的说法。

    The BDD , a German detective Association , says members work to high legal standards and dismisses the idea that private investigators are Stasi throwbacks .

  2. 那些不喜欢亚马逊的人知道这一点也许会觉得好笑:如果历史不发生转折,赫布里希如今很可能正在为史塔西(Stasi,前东德情报和秘密警察机构——译者注)工作。

    Those who disapprove of Amazon may be amused to know that , but for a twist of history , Mr Herbrich would likely now be working for the Stasi .

  3. 德国电信一名董事表示:我们想回到希特勒统治下的盖世太保岁月,或前东德的史塔西(Stasi,即秘密警察译者注)时代吗?

    A Deutsche Telekom director says : Do we want to go back to the days of the Gestapo under Hitler or the Stasi in the DDR ?

  4. 我正在看史塔西特工的首份报告。

    I 've been looking at the Stasi agent 's first report .

  5. 但它提醒人们,史塔西曾处在东德政权阴暗面的核心位置。

    But it does remind them that the Stasi was at the heart of the regime 's nastiness .

  6. 据说在肯德拉与911的调度员通话时,32岁的史塔西-琼斯已经闯进屋里六分钟了。

    Stacey Jones , 32 , was allegedly inside the home for about six minutes while Kendra spoke with the dispatcher .

  7. 一名德国工人努力重组前东德秘密警察「史塔西」撕毁的档案。

    German worker tries to reconstruct ripped files that the former East German secret police , the Stasi , tried to destroy .

  8. 没有证据表明史塔西下令库拉斯杀害欧内索格,但它倒也乐见接下来出现的动荡局面。

    There is no evidence that the Stasi ordered him to kill Ohnesorg , though it was not displeased by the tumult that ensued .

  9. 合并之后,伯莱致力于让史塔西得到应有的处置,她长期留在他们的办公室里,保存文件,保证所有人都能看到。

    After reunification she fought to hold the Stasi to proper account , perching in their offices to make sure the files were preserved for all to see .

  10. 她所在的反对派势力微薄,成员基本来自于新教教会的几个教区,被史塔西严重渗透,其领袖有系统地被流放到西方,更加削弱了他们的实力。

    The opposition she joined was tiny , mostly confined to a few parishes in the Protestant church , heavily infiltrated by the Stasi and weakened by the systematic exile of its leaders to the West .