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  1. 史铁生中短篇小说创作三步曲

    Fatalistic Writing & Creation trilogy of Shi Tie-sheng 's Short Novel

  2. 史铁生是中国当代作家非常独特的个案。

    Shitiesheng is a very particular one in contemporary authors of China .

  3. 存在主义哲学对史铁生的影响。

    Existentialism 's influence on Shi Tiesheng .

  4. 史铁生在生命最灿烂的季节,他双腿残废;

    During his most beautiful period of life , he lost the use of his legs ;

  5. 深切的内容、有意味的形式以及独特的写作观形成了史铁生独特的创作。

    His works are made with the profound contents the meaning of style and the special idea .

  6. 这是史铁生世界观的一次转变,也是艺术创作上的一次自我超越。

    This is a vital change of world view and also a self-transcendence in literary creation for him .

  7. 心灵的神性境界&浅析史铁生散文中的基督教哲学意蕴

    Deity State of Soul

  8. 身体的残疾把他带入了写作的殿堂,史铁生由此开始了残疾人的写作生涯。

    Physical disabilities bring him into the writing palace and thus began his " the disable " writing career .

  9. 笔者认为,史铁生就这三个主题,创下了中国文坛的新记录。

    In my personal speaking , he has broken the record in literary circles of China on the three themes .

  10. 把握了这一点,我们可以自由地选取他作品中的景物、角色来阐释史铁生的思想。

    Grasp this point , we are free to select the scene in his works , role to explain his thought .

  11. 再次对史铁生的创作进行观照,进而体会其创作叙述方式与传统的不同。

    To contemplation of the creation of Shi Tie-sheng again . And thus realize their creation differences with the traditional narrative approach .

  12. 史铁生从个体生命出发,对困扰人类的终极性问题作了深刻而执着的探索。

    Leaving from single human being , he made a deep and persistent exploration on the ultimate problems which have been puzzling humanity .

  13. 本文力求在分析中,透过《命若琴弦》解读史铁生对生命意义认识的升华。

    This paper tries to through Life like the strings read Shi Tiesheng 's understanding of the distillation about the significance of life .

  14. 第三部分主要运用是时空概念的有关理论,来分析鲁迅和史铁生在外语境的独语视角下,其生命哲学的诗意表达形式。

    Part three studies the expression modes of philosophy behind the monologues by LU and SHI , employing the relevant theories on space-time concepts .

  15. 史铁生的作品中洋溢着深厚的宗教文化精神,尤其是对基督教文化的言说成为他作品中的一大亮点。

    There are profound cultural spirits of religion in Shi Tie-sheng 's works , especially the statement of Christian culture is an impressive point .

  16. 从其独特的体验出发,史铁生对死亡及死亡对人生的意义进行了深入而独特的探索和思考。

    Based on his unique experience , he has carried out a deep and special reflection upon death and the significance of death to life .

  17. 史铁生是中国当代文坛上一个独特的存在。他的特殊人生经历,造就了他那独具特色的文风。

    Shi Tie-sheng is one of the most unique exsitence in Chinese contemporary literary circles , his special life experiences create his unique style of writing .

  18. 李青说,虽然这些年史铁生一直重病在身,痛苦的透析折磨着他,但他毅力超强,与病魔越战越勇。

    Li Qing said that although Shi had been tortured by disease and dialysis all these years , he fought bravely with it with iron will .

  19. 二是亘古之愿,考察史铁生关于宗教精神、关于信仰、关于忏悔、关于终极关怀的哲思;

    Second ," Wishing from the earliest times ", tests his philosophic thinking about " religious spirit ", about faith , about repent and about ultimate care ;

  20. 到目前为止,关于史铁生小说生命意识的研究取得了一些成果,但还存在许多不足。

    So far , many academic fruits have been attained on the study of life-consciousness of Shi Tiesheng 's works , but there still exist some deficiencies .

  21. 走向审美之境史铁生心路历程追踪从创立走向建设中国史学史学科发展的历程

    Go to the Aesthetic Realm & Tracing Shi Tie-sheng s Mind Course ; The Development of BNU 's Branch of Learning In The History of Historical Studies in China

  22. 灾难深重的命运迫使史铁生苦苦思索什么是幸福,怎样才能获得幸福,结果形成了他独具特色的幸福观。

    The fate filled with misfortunes compelled SHI Tie sheng to think hard what happiness is , how to gain happiness , which produced his own special opinion about happiness .

  23. 而史铁生《我的遥远的清平湾》,则是主流知青文学与非主流知青文学亦即知青文学另类书写合流的结合点。

    Shi Tiesheng 's My Remote Qingpingwan is the end of the convergence of the mainstream literature of intellectual youth and the non-mainstream literature of intellectual youth with distinctive style .

  24. 第一部分主要从外在辨析和内在描述两个层面来分析独语的生成,确立分析鲁迅和史铁生的独语的切入口和立足点。

    The main idea contains three parts : Part one analyzes the essential conditions for the monologues employed by LU and SHI from two layers of external analysis and internal description .

  25. 在这一转变过程中,宗教精神给了他正视生命困境的巨大力量和勇气,史铁生由此洞悉了苦难之于人生的意义,进而在此岸对彼岸的眺望中,认识到过程之于人生的重要性。

    In this transition process , the religious spirit gave him strength and courage to face the enormous difficulties of life and an insight into the meaning which plight renders human being .

  26. 当代作家史铁生以涵义丰富的哲思意象,表达自己对世界、对生命、对灵魂的领悟,成为其作品的艺术特色之一。

    In his works , Shi Tiesheng , a contemporary writer , is characterized by his comprehension of the world , life and soul through his use of richly-implicated images of philosophic thought .

  27. 在世纪转型时期,史铁生的存在促使我们返观:我们的生存方式中究竟缺少了什么?

    In the period of transition to a new century , the existence of Shi Tie-sheng impels us to reflect on such issues as follows : what is wanted in our way of existence ?

  28. 史铁生在《我与地坛》中不断地探寻生命的价值和意义,不仅看到生命中难以承受苦难的普遍性,也敢于在苦难中不吝前行,更把自己融入到生命整体的永恒流变中。

    He not only sees the universality of difficulty in the life , but also dares to walk forward in the misery , and melts himself into the changes of the whole eternal life .

  29. 因此史铁生由自身的残疾看到了整个人类的残缺,他开始思索人生的诸多问题:生死、爱情、平等、生命的意义等。

    Therefore , he finds the disability of the whole human being , and starts to write many things about life , such as birth and death , love , equality and the meaning of life .

  30. 同为知青作家,张承志和史铁生虽然都高扬人道主义理想的旗帜,探寻生存的意义,力图以宗教精神来凝聚涣散的民族精神。

    As the writers of school graduates , ZHANG Chen - zhi and SHI Tie - shen g held high the banner of humanitarianism ideal to explore the meaning of existence . They tried to condense slack spirit by means of religious spirit .