
  1. 法国人粉快乐的在酒池中游泳并畅快的喝著。

    The Frenchman was so happy swimming and drinking from the pool .

  2. 你是不是在英国学会在酒池里潜水了?

    Did you learn how to dive into the pool of alcohol in england ?

  3. 蒙上主的祝福,我预先著手工作,也像收获葡萄的人一样,填满了我的榨酒池。

    In the blessing of God I also have hoped : and as one that gathereth grapes , have I filled the winepress .

  4. 你必须乐意到进入神的榨酒池,你必须竭力试验、排练以求把神的真理表达清楚,时候到了,那些话就成为使人得力的神的美酒。

    You must struggle to get expression experimentally , then there will come a time when that expression will become the very wine of strengthening to someone else ;

  5. 夏季利用半地下酒化池进行固态法酒精发酵,结果表明:半地下池较地上池酒醅发酵温度下降2~3℃,酒醅酒度提高29%,酒醅酸度下降40%,食醋产量提高517%。

    In summer , using half-under ground pool to have solid-state alcoholic fermentation . Result showed : the temperature of half-under ground pool was 2-3 ℃ lower than ground pool , the alcoholic strength proved 29 % , acidity descended 40 % , productivity of vinegar proved 5.17 % .

  6. 生产过剩使黄油堆积如山,酒贮藏满池。

    Overproduction caused butter mountains and wine lakes .

  7. 基础酒经大水泥池贮存后,己酸乙酯、乳酸乙酯、丁酸乙酯在7~8个月达到最高值,故以7~8个月贮存期为宜;

    The contents of ethyl caproate , ethyl lactate and ethyl butyrate in base liquor reached the maximum values after 7-8 months storage in cement pits ( accordingly , 7 ~ 8 months is the best storage period ) .