
  • 网络aia;The American Institute of Architects
  1. 罗颖佳女士现为美国建筑师学会香港分会会长及绿色建筑LEED认证的专业人员。

    Lee is currently the President of the Hong Kong Chapter of the American Institute of Architects this year and a LEED accredited professional .

  2. 美国建筑师学会(AIA)于1909年制定了首部面向成员的建筑伦理准则,在其后的近百年时间里,这部准则历经数次修改。

    The architecture code of ethics , formulated by the American Institute of Architects ( AIA ) in 1909 , as the first code of ethic to its members , was revised many times in the following a hundred years .

  3. 在美国建筑师学会票选出的美国人150座最喜爱的建筑中,这座图书馆榜上有名。

    The library was voted onto the American Institute of Architects 150 favorite structures in the United States .

  4. 阿尔托获得的奖项包括英国皇家建筑师学会授予的英国皇家建筑金奖奖章(1957年)和由美国建筑师学会授予的金奖(1963年)。

    Aalto 's awards included the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture from the Royal Institute of British Architects ( 1957 ) and the Gold Medal from the American Institute of Architects ( 1963 ) .

  5. 介绍了美国建筑师学会《医院和卫生设施设计与建造指南》2006年修订版中与暖通空调相关的值得注意的变更,以及变更的背景与特点。

    Presents some notable changes related to the HVAC aspect in latest revised edition of the Guidelines for design and construction of hospital and health care facilities by the American Institute of Architects , and their background and features .