
  • 网络nanjing arts institute
  1. 《南京艺术学院美术作品集》江苏美术出版社;

    Collection of Art Works of Nanjing Arts Institute , Jiangsu Fine Art Press ;

  2. 陈永东男高音,毕业于南京艺术学院。

    Tenor , Yong D.Chen , graduated from Nanjing Arts Institute majoring in vocal art .

  3. 南京艺术学院

    Sculpture Department of Nanjing Academy of Fine Arts

  4. 南京艺术学院学报谈批评和危机及轻批评问题南京水利科学研究院

    Criticism , Crisis and the Problem of Light Criticism ; Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute

  5. 南京艺术学院工艺美术系装潢设计专业师生作品选登

    Selected works throm Decoration Design Section of Industrial Art Department of the Art College of Nanjing

  6. 先后就读于淮阴师范学院、南京艺术学院美术系。

    He studied in Huaiyin Normal University and the Fine Arts department of Nanjing Arts Institute .

  7. 1986年毕业于南京艺术学院工艺美术系。

    1986 graduated from the Department of Arts and crafts in Nanjing Institute of the arts .

  8. 南京艺术学院尚美学院

    Summit College of Nanjing Arts Institute

  9. 从创办上海美专算起,南京艺术学院发展至今已接近一个世纪。

    NanJing Arts Institute have developed for almost a century since ShangHai Art Training School was set up .

  10. 孙扬元先生1996年毕业于南京艺术学院并获得文学学士学位。

    Thomas graduated from Nanjing Art College , Nanjing , with a bachelor degree in Art Design in1996 .

  11. 曾任教于华东艺专,即现在的南京艺术学院。

    He used to teach in Eastern China College of Art ( now Nanjing Academy of Fine Arts ) .

  12. 构筑起思想自由、兼容并包的精神家园&南京艺术学院学报的发展之路

    Constructing the spiritual homeland of " Freely thinking , all-embracing " & The course of development of Journal of NanJing Arts Institute

  13. 整合资源、拓宽学科、建立品牌专业&关于南京艺术学院传媒学院学科建设的思考

    Conforming Resources , Extending Subject , Establishing Brand Major & Thought on Establishment of Subject in Media College in Nanjing Fine Art Institute

  14. 传媒学院各专业的发展将完善南京艺术学院学科整体结构,有助于学院朝高规格的综合性艺术大学发展。

    The development of each profession in Medium College will complete the whole subject construction in Nanjing Art Institute , and help to improve it to be a higher standard comprehensive university .